Website Related News and Questions
Subject: Premium Membership
Date Posted
Wildcat83 |
NE Wisconsin
I don't see a link anywhere to pay for a premium membership. I read in the past you could get a premium memberships to have diary pictures post right away instead of waiting. Is this still an option, and if so how do you do it?
1/8/2018 12:18:06 PM
Ken D. |
Connecticut, USA
I took it down until I get some accounting changes completed. I will be changing my payment PayPal address as a result of these changes.
1/8/2018 1:42:48 PM
Dakotakid |
North Dakota
how do you access the premium members message board
2/7/2019 4:30:49 PM
Leer |
Is the premium membership go by the calendar year or a year from membership payment? Also how do you access the premium members only parts of Bigpumpkins?
3/1/2019 9:48:01 PM
Total Posts: 4 |
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