Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Wow.. thanks googli!!
Date Posted
Porkchop |
Central NY
Yoooo!!!.. thanks for the seeds man!!.. Bryan sent me a bunch of his 6.85 Domingo and his 8.15 Italian heart. If anyone would like to try some, email me your address and I’ll get them out.
4/17/2024 8:36:44 AM
Warblie26 |
Fair Oaks CA
Email sent. I love those Italian things.
4/18/2024 9:18:30 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Don, Steve, Paul, John.. seeds sent today.. have more if anyone is interested. These seeds come from where the toilets flush the other way, sooo…just sayin.
4/23/2024 8:58:21 AM
Ken D. |
Connecticut, USA
If you have any more, I would grow one.
4/23/2024 9:55:54 AM
Reedl |
Northern Alabama
I would definitely give it a try as well if you have any to spare.
4/23/2024 10:41:39 AM
Mark G. |
I would like some as well if they are still available. E-mail sent your way. Good day to you sir! Mark G.
4/23/2024 12:25:02 PM
lunker99 |
Appreciate it Porkchop! Thanks for offering to share these.
4/24/2024 12:29:38 PM
grunt worker |
Got the seeds today thanks porkchop
4/30/2024 12:59:14 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Reed, Mark I don’t see an email…send me your mailing address.. I think have yours Ken. Kick some butt Mr Butler!!
4/30/2024 2:55:57 PM
Mark G. |
Porkchop, I have 2 different email addresses for you. I just re-sent the e-mail to the other email. Mark G.
5/1/2024 12:18:48 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Just need Reed s’ mailing address.. the others were sent today. I’ve got few left for me and a two sets for our fall auction. Thanks again googli!.. hope we can do something with these.
5/4/2024 2:00:05 PM
Garwolf |
Kutztown, PA
Porkchop, thanks for the great seeds! The plant are in the ground. I programed them all for 9-12 lbs. and flipped the switch on, so they should produce some big ones this year.
6/7/2024 9:41:56 AM
Ken D. |
Connecticut, USA
Is that a program I can download somewhere?! Also, does it work with existing plants? Asking for a friend.
6/7/2024 10:02:43 AM
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