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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  2013 pumpkin season

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Wpg, MB

Hi everyone!

My pumpkin is off to a great start.
I am 11 days ahead of last year.
I am about 380lbs (by the pumpkin measuring tape).
I had quite a few days of 15lbs+ growth/day.
I am hoping for 600lbs.
How is everyone's pumpkin in Manitoba or Canada?

8/12/2013 10:21:34 AM


Manitoba Canada

Hi!I am just North of Winnipeg. Despite the coolness of the summer, I have the largest pumpkin by far for this time of year that I have grown to date.Had a pumpkin on the vine growing the third week og June, much earlier than I have experienced before.my hope is to get over 500 with this one. Will try measuring it get an approx size. Hoping the hot weather for the next couple of weeks will really get things going! Any Manitoba tips you can share? :)

8/14/2013 9:41:40 AM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


Hi Fellow Canadian growers

We lost our biggest pumpkin to a rib split in early Aug & it was taping @ 1000# then. Currently we have two others that are approuching 700# or at least we hope they are by Friday (measuring day). The cold night time temps (8-11C) have slowed the growth down to 15#+ per day.

At this time of year the plants have used up a lot of nutrients in the soil & need to be fed at regular intervals to keep your growth rates up. Try spraying a foilar, something like a 2-12-12 with micronutrients or 3-18-18 with micros (or something else with the same ratios), along with calcium & magnesium at a weekly rate. You can also do weekly soil drenches with compost tea & a water soluble fertilizer. I would also use Kelp (seaweed) & fish at every foliar & soil drench. One other thing, keep up with your fungicide sprays (every 7-10 days) to keep powdery mildew at bay. You can add your pesticide spray with your fungicide to keep the pests under control.

Hopefully this will help you reach your goals. If you ever need any help or advise, please feel free to contact us at the GVGO (Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario) at gvgo@i-zoom.net or go to our website at www.gvgo.ca & register to use our message board. The growers are always willing to help. The GVGO is Canada's largest Giant Vegetable Growers club with members thoughout ever Province in Canada, over 25 US States & 11 countries overseas, along with Austraila & New Zealand.

We wish you all the best. Take care & good luck.

Jane & Phil

Jane & Phil Hunt - GVGO

8/14/2013 11:06:42 AM


Wpg, MB

Where do you live Jane and Phil?
Biggest tip i can provide is to get your soil as warm and as quick as you can in the spring.
I use soil heating cables and a heat pile and a shelter.

8/14/2013 10:16:35 PM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY

2-12-12 & 3 18 18 & calmag are some good ones Phil --But no one thought they were worth a darn a few years ago
hope all is good with you and Jane --craig

8/15/2013 8:00:11 AM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


Cameron is a small village on Hwy 35 about 100 miles northeast of Toronto, Ontario. Lindsay, ON (the biggest town close to us) is @ 10 miles to the south of us.

We use heating cables in the spring too. It's the best way to get your soil warmed up early.

We wish you all the best this season.
Jane & Phil

Jane & Phil Hunt - GVGO

8/15/2013 9:48:42 AM


fort st john BC Canada

Good day Jane and Phil ...from Fort st john BC in northern British Columbia We have had rain up here for most of the summer; recently very day for the past 3 weeks NO Kidding ...My GA pumpkin was gaining 6-8 pounds a day until the rains came now it has not gained a pound in 7 days !!!Using the OTT my pumpkin weight in at 52 pounds I was hopping for a 100lb + put not this year .Mother nature sure knows how to put her spin on things. Will pumpkins that have had lots of Rain /wet weather and have pushed the pose button ever start up again .Thanks

8/20/2013 1:26:51 AM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


Hi Jimbo

By the sounds of things your pumpkin has stopped for good. I'm not sure how old it is, but it sounds like it couldn't be much older than 20-25 days. If you still have any vines growing, I would suggest you start another pumpkin on one of them. Do not fertilize the plant until it gets to be @ 20+ days old. You still have time to grow a 100#er or heavier. I know it's hard not to but stay off the ferts until it gets bigger than a beachball. You can contact us at gvgo@i-zoom.net if you have any more questions.

We hope this helps. All the best.

Jane & Phil

Jane & Phil Hunt GVGO

8/20/2013 9:34:47 AM


fort st john BC Canada

Good day thanks Phil and Jane for the reply and yes I have already got a few more pollinated .there's always next year for the big one. I don't believe I could of done anything different mother nature just turned on the taps for 3 plus weeks ;My yard grass sure looks good.... LOL

8/22/2013 2:01:22 AM


Wpg, MB

I got my pumpkin weighed, it came in at 650 lbs!
Not bad for a city backyard and a garden size of 17'x24'.
My biggest yet

10/31/2013 11:31:36 PM

BPMailey TL


Great job np!! Congrats!!

11/1/2013 3:10:40 PM

Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO


Congrats NP on your new PB.

11/7/2013 11:31:59 AM

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