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Soil Preparation and Analysis

Subject:  Seeking Soil Test Mentor - Appreciate Help!

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Penryn CA

pH-Water : 8.2
Loam Texture
Soluble Salts : 0.08
CEC: 14
% Lime: 2.2
% Organic Matter : 1.1
Nitrates-ppm: 6
Ammonium-ppm: 5
Phosphorus ppm: 5
Calcium-ppm: 2415
% Base Saturation 101
Ca:P pH>7 : 483:1
Ca:mg 13:1
Ca:P pH<7 :1
P: Zn : 2:1

Element :
Potassium -ppm : 106
Magnesium-ppm : 192
Sodium-ppm: 30
Zinc-ppm 2.5
Iron-ppm 41
Manganese-ppm 6
Copper-ppm 2.8
Sulfate-ppm 11
Boron-ppm 0.2
Calcium % of CEC : 86
Magnesium % of CEC : 11
Potassium % of CEC: 2
Sodium % of CEC 1
Hydrogen % of CED - blank

I also have the Atlantic Giant Pumpkin 75s Report - No idea how to begin based on the Rec's from Western Laboratories.

Appreciate all the help I can get - One year of growing pumpkins - First Year I grew a 467.5 pounder - coming up to year 2 and looking to improve my soil.

Kind Regard,

1/27/2020 10:01:23 PM


Central Illinois

email me at baitman55@gmail.com

1/28/2020 7:09:05 AM


Penryn CA

Good morning - Thank you - I've sent you my soil report this am to your email address.

1/28/2020 12:16:10 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

I hope you received some excellent assistance, Penry! I'm really glad you're back for 2020!

I'm a second-year grower as well, so I'm sure some people on this board are better-informed than I am.

Have a great season!

1/28/2020 12:36:43 PM


Penryn CA

Suburban Gardener: I made a list last year of All the rookie mistakes i made- it was pretty long. When an acquaintance suggested I grow a Giant Pumpkin - he never mentioned all the hours of commitment and cost involved - I thought it would be similar to growing all my other vegetables in the garden (NOT) .. Thank goodness for this site...

1/28/2020 1:01:21 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Growing AG's has been a challenge here as well! I'm hoping to do a better job with the basics such as vine training this season. I also made many mistakes that I hope to not repeat in the future. We should be able to grow 'em bigger in 2020!

1/28/2020 7:04:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I'm no expert but looks like you could start by adding some kind of acidic organic material. This will boost your potassium, OM, and reduce your ph.

1/29/2020 2:59:30 AM



In my opinion you need to push organic matter, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium (to some lower extent) and sulfur, and you need to lower pH. In order to make it less complicated at the first shot (because your soil is far away from the point where fine-tuning comes into play), I would suggest to apply some well-composted cow manure (for N, K, some Mg and heaps of organic matter) and elemental sulfur (for sulfate and to lower pH).

1/29/2020 1:15:15 PM


Penryn CA

Ohh -so surprised by my ph ... A big thanks to Cecil W. for calculating needed nutrients I'll be adding per 1,000 sqft: 25lbs Soil Sulfur, 25lbs 20-20-20, 21lbs SOP, 25lbs Epson Salts, Borax, Manganese, Zinc, Cooper, 50lbs Alfalfa Meal, 25lbs Kelp Meal and 10 lbs Blood Meal.... and 4 yards compost - One Lucky Plant is getting the works this year !Thanks for the reply Glenoma and Pumpking...I really appreciate everyone's help:)

2/9/2020 11:08:48 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

All your bases covered...wow... Awesome!

2/9/2020 2:59:35 PM


Central NY

stocked up and ready to go ....good luck penry!!

2/22/2020 1:03:35 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Hmmm. How much did all of that stuff cost?

2/22/2020 2:45:56 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

I would say the cost is about 1/4th of what I spent last year. Take all those amendments and multiply it times 4 except for compost multiply that times 20. And my garden is far from being ready to tweak. I am on the 10 year build plan. $2000 per year for the next 10 years, might get me close.

Looking at your soil test and what cecil suggested looks very good to me. I would suggest after you get it added that you get another soil test before planting. You should be moving the numbers with those additions, sometimes they don't move the exact distance that is expected.

2/22/2020 3:23:51 PM


Central NY

Marv...Lol...ya hope it doesn’t matter come the end of September....

2/22/2020 4:33:10 PM


Penryn CA

Marv, Cost - $600 + for all the amendments- for approx(1,000 sqft) So far I've just done the 5 yards compost @ $20 per yard and the soil acidifier - as we get closer to planting I'll be adding the other elements at a rate of 1/3 of the product in stages as the plant grows out so the nutrients don't dilute.

2/26/2020 11:19:58 PM

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