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Subject:  All my secondary vines have stopped growing. Help!

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Boston, MA

I live in the northeastern US, and it's my first time growing AG. Things were going great and my two vines were growing FAST, until we had a week of 95+ degrees followed by a week of constant torrential rains. Now the vines have stopped growing, and the tips of each vine look like they're all dead or dying. Just prior to all this crazy weather I had pollinated my first pumpkin on each plant, so I'm thankful I have at least 2 chances still... but give it to me straight. Is there any chance of my vines recovering and starting to grow again?

7/11/2021 4:44:44 PM


Boston, MA

I should mention there are no obvious signs of disease or fungus, although both vines are looking a little more yellowish green than before, when they were more lush dark green. But the leaves are perky, the existing flowers are still opening, just nothing new is growing!

7/11/2021 4:46:44 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Is there a picture of your plant? The stunted growth tips and the yellowish leaves indicate a disease known as yellow vine disease. The other symptom would be wilting sections of the plant. All though in this cool weather it might not show up. You may have to wait for a sunny hot day to see the wilting. I hope it is not Yellow vine disease as there is no known treatment for it.

7/11/2021 7:52:16 PM

Orange U. Glad


Use the diary to post pics. A boat load of rain can wash out your nitrogen. Pics will help with a diagnosis of disease.

7/11/2021 11:16:02 PM



Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I concluded the hot weather fried my growing tips. Pictures: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Axno5GlZKRw2QbZjnhes2v0JOSKuaMbF?usp=sharing

7/12/2021 8:37:11 AM


Boston, MA

I will go snap some photos and post them, will share the link when they're live in the diary. @Mio - yes my growing tips look JUST like yours! Sort of yellowed or browned... so sorry this happened to you as well. I hope both our vines find a way to recover.

7/12/2021 1:22:15 PM


Jericho Vermont

This has happened to me in the past and it is the combo of saturated ground where the roots can't breathe and the hot air temperatures. Unfortunately the plants never really fully recovered. I would suggest to let any growth grow regardless if it is the main, secondary or tertiary. If I remember correctly the only thing that grew well was the main and I weaved it around the alocated space.

7/12/2021 3:02:27 PM


Merrimack NH

Sounds like water saturated soil. Roots can't take up nutrients, everything stalls. Many of us in the Northeast are dealing with this to some extent. We need some dry, sunny days badly.

7/12/2021 4:46:06 PM


Boston, MA

Here are some pictures of the two vines, sorry for the quality it was raining outside :)


7/13/2021 7:00:27 AM


Syracuse, NY

I don't think it IMPOSSIBLE to water a plant for therapeutic reasons only, whereby if IIIIIIIIIIII had this problem, I'd give at least a PART of the plant (if I only had one and was all in about it) 2 gallons of Miracle-Gro 15-30-15 or an exactly-balanced water soluble fertilizer 10-10-10 onto the leaves AND the soil beneath, and yet formulated to NOTTTT upset your plant's present, delicate, 'I have a pumpkin on me - leave me alone' state of growth. Just on a few feet by few feet area (1/4 of plant?) to test this idea. It's already had too much straight water, yah? So, as anyone would say if you were ill: 'You gotta eat SOMETHIN'!' Mother knows best. I just woke up - proceed with caution, but, what else can ya do? later---eric g

7/13/2021 11:27:37 AM


Boston, MA

Ha! Thanks for the advice, pumpkinpal2. :) I think you're right, it's getting nothing but water but no nutrients with it. Maybe a gentle spray to some of the leaves could get her thru the rough patch until the sun comes out again.

7/13/2021 6:19:22 PM


Syracuse, NY

Every Friday I say to myself "Man, I've got SO much work to do this weekend!" - And every Sunday night I say "Man, I got SO little done this weekend!" I'm glad we're having epic rainfall in NY lately or my plants would be shriveled up from LACK of watering, lol---I'll pay the price in powdery mildew soon, but for now, if I can jussssst get my fencing up versus the wind and deer and then my watering 'system' of whizzer sprinklers and my pump a-rockin', a new PB awaits, as I have a
@-13-ft self pollination on my 1985 Miller - these plants will now be USED to too much of too much! Even once it's sunny, fertigate it like you mean it - it'd be pretty cool if only THAT part of the plant turned super-green and hinted that a 900-pounder is gonna happen right there, too, lol! --- eg

7/14/2021 2:46:29 AM

Total Posts: 12 Current Server Time: 2/12/2025 4:00:19 PM
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