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Subject:  Transplanted seedlings flowering too soon!

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Boston, MA

Hi all - I just transplanted my seedlings last weekend, a week later than I wanted to because the weather was just too cold to do it earlier. I transplanted two, and both were just a little bit root bound (not incredibly bad though). Now I realize what I thought were new leaves coming from the vine are actually tiny flower buds! Seems way too soon? Both plants only have 4 full blown leaves and a number of smaller ones that haven't really unfurled yet... should I pinch the buds off to encourage more vine growth?

5/14/2021 8:30:32 PM


Syracuse, NY

Probably wouldn't hurt anything, if they bother you, or not, lol---I would not, though, because even THEY may grow out to become VINES; My opinion is that some plants go 'Bonsai' and feel that they are at their limits of growing area, so, they go through the motions and can even grow out those flowers and perhaps be ABLE to produce pumpkins, if a bee were in that environment as well. More than once, there has been a BEE in my basement (wasp, more like it) and I never understand where each has come from - very insidious, IMHO!
In summation, I'D leave them...bee. eg

5/14/2021 11:59:12 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I pinched flower buds early on mine. If the plants are stressed then it might help them focus on roots & shoots. Once the plants get established I'd leave them so that you have males to pollinate with. The males can lag a week or two behind the females. So as soon as the plants start to get vigorous you'll want to leave a lot of male flower buds.

5/15/2021 3:04:59 AM


Syracuse, NY

Gritty's growing my 113, so, I'll agree, lol. And, there's some good advice to me as well (grinnin');
G'luck! eg

5/15/2021 10:29:58 AM



If they're flowering mostly at the base and theres multiples then the seedling is reacting to being root bound.If the flowers are still tiny and theyre at each node thats normal.

5/15/2021 9:30:08 PM


Boston, MA

Oh interesting good to know. The flowers are teeny tiny and appeared at every node, so maybe its not as stressed as I thought? I compromised and pinched off the biggest 50% of buds and will keep monitoring them!

5/16/2021 8:18:58 AM

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