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Subject:  watering

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Papa Jax


how much and how often do you water your plants I have silty clay river bottom that drains well

12/29/2023 9:16:24 PM



I wait till at least the top ground isn't showing signs of water, stick my finger 2-3" in the soil away from roots if possible You can feel dampness, I wait until it's dry then water. In high tunnel I get the feel of how much water to apply after having watered awhile in a particular soil. Soil consistency, humidity, wind, etc. effects soil moisture. Don't over water as many do. Sandy soil water more, clay soil less. Loam in between basically.

1/19/2024 9:51:47 AM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

Only comes with experience, there's no way to tell you how much you should water your plants,way too many variables!

1/19/2024 10:50:13 AM



Absolutely, agree. Different veg species may need more or less watering as well. You can usually find how much plant needs by studies and tables of watering needs. Again the best way is experience and listen to those who grow well and learn. None of us are ever finished learning. Also. beware of moisture meters, although they are usually repeatable in experiments it shouldn't be the last measure. These devices measure electrical conductivity, not moisture. Also, check with the finger method and experience before you water. Know what's in your water, pH. Most city water facilities will tell you if you contact them. I water with rainwater as it is the best I can obtain. If off a roof, say galvanized etc. many will be cautious, but studies show not enough to be toxic or alarmed at.

1/20/2024 9:40:12 AM

Joe Fish

Peabody Massachusetts


7/3/2024 10:00:13 AM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 1/16/2025 9:51:49 AM
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