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Subject:  Tomato Team Challenge submission vs GPC registrat

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San Diego, CA

I’ve fielded this question via email a few times so I figured I’d post this in the forum just in case others that are new to the community were wondering the same thing.

For the Team Challenge you may submit pictures of your fruit (top & bottom) on a scale via email/text to myself or Porkchop. You could also just post the pictures to your BP diary. Both methods will count towards the Team Challenge. However, this DOES NOT automatically get your accomplishment certified by the GPC. The GPC process is a bit more formal.

In order to be recognized by the GPC you’ll also need to either register your fruit online or take it to one of the many official GPC Weigh Off events throughout the world. Note, if you submit a tomato via the GPC and it gets certified, it will automatically count towards the Team Challenge.

Here’s the link to where you can register your tomato(s) with the GPC. This is also known as the “Early Tomato Weigh Off” or just “Early Tomato”.


Also, be sure to review the official “GPC Rules and Handbook”. The Early Tomato Weigh Off rules start on page 30.


7/27/2023 8:19:55 PM



I wish anything under 3 lbs could be weighed on a home scale. Thanks for the information!

8/6/2023 10:08:22 PM


Elk County, PA

tried two different browsers and its not working.

8/9/2023 11:53:02 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


you have to strip all the meta data off your photos

8/11/2023 5:50:15 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


I don't know what field makes it crap the bed but one of them doesn't play nice.

8/11/2023 5:59:30 PM


Elk County, PA

Just tried that, still the same error. Thanks for trying though its appreciated.

8/11/2023 6:17:54 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

"All tomatoes must be healthy. A healthy tomato must be free of significant soft spots, mold, decaying spots or any leakage."

My largest has a blemished area that looks like rot, its about the size of a quarter, but I think its dry and firm underneath. I hope you guys are ready to contemplate what is "significant", since this is clearly open to interpretation rather than strictly defined. If anyone is aware of other rules or guidelines that would apply to my tomato, let me know.

I will post or email lots of pics... and my cut open if needed? I wish I didnt have to care, but it is my largest.

8/12/2023 2:20:28 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


If it's dry and not moldy it should count. The photos look fine to me. Congrats on the 7lber that super cool.

8/14/2023 2:09:22 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thx & Good luck with yours.
PS if you make a giant x black tomato cross... I'd be interested in growing it!

8/14/2023 2:50:18 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


If I get seeds I'll send you some for sure.

8/14/2023 2:10:22 PM


Honesdale, Pennsylvania

Is anyone else having problems submitting the early entries to the GPC site. Is there a problem?

8/14/2023 2:51:51 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


I had an error uploading photos. I stripped off the meta data and that seemed to fix it. Last year I had to resize my photos to smaller files.

8/14/2023 5:59:04 PM


Elk County, PA

Taking the meta data off and making smaller files worked. Just in case someone else stumbles upon this later with similar issues.

8/22/2023 6:02:26 PM

Total Posts: 13 Current Server Time: 2/18/2025 9:49:55 PM
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