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Subject:  Megabloom polination strategy

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Centennial Colorado

Hi all, I have not had a true megabloom in years and have 3 that should bloom in the next 2 weeks. I am wondering when to pollinate and how?

7/2/2023 5:52:38 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


I am a firm believer in hand pollination for the megas. Others use a fan, a vibrating toothbrush, or just shake the plant. I figure if you are going to use a vibrating toothbrush anyway why not put a spoon under it and catch the extra pollen that would otherwise be wasted.

7/3/2023 4:04:11 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


If you are passing through Fort Collins swing by I have an extra plant or two if you are interested. (The wife is starting to get agitated at all the extra plants I have at various stages of growth)

7/3/2023 4:07:23 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Definitely catch all the pollen from your singles and get it onto those stigmas. Some will pollinate in just one go, but others you may want to pollinate over a few days as the blossom develops unevenly sometimes.

The reason I say catch the pollen from your singles is, I often get no pollen at all when I vibrate the megas. Some may be nearly self sterile?

7/3/2023 4:07:39 PM


Centennial Colorado

I will try the toothbrush. Did the shaking and not as great of results a few years ago. Is there a temperature range for pollination?I say this because I leave at 6:30 am in the morning for work and don't get home from my night class until 9 pm. I could have one of my parents shake the plant at a more optimal temperature though.

7/3/2023 6:10:54 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


I have noticed the same thing gritty. The megas have way less pollen than the singles. It's weird. Must be something to do with the fused blossoms creating problems for the anther cones.

7/4/2023 11:09:42 PM

Dan Sutherland

Walla Walla Wa.

I haven't seen less pollen with megas,maybe genetic related or brix related or who knows!

7/5/2023 12:18:39 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)



7/5/2023 2:36:21 PM



Humidity and dampness causes pollen to stick in dry hot weather and not move, and clump in humid hot weather and not move. Is the weather often very hot around when you pollinate?
Otherwise I don't know, is interesting. It's been more hot here in WV last couple of days, 90.Phoenix 115 etc.

7/5/2023 4:45:43 PM


Fair Oaks CA

Can you catch pollen and save it for later or?

7/28/2023 8:16:37 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


From what I've read it only lasts a few hours to a day.

7/30/2023 12:14:18 AM

Total Posts: 11 Current Server Time: 2/19/2025 6:56:28 AM
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