Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Cloning Tomatoes (4+ plants from only 1 seed)
Date Posted
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
It was cloning day today. I took photos and did a small tutorial on my diary for anyone interested.
6/11/2023 9:38:35 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I might try it as an alternative to starting more from seed. Thanks for sharing. I presume the sprout should be cut or broken off as close to the momma plant as possible? It seems like the tissue at the narrow attachment point to the momma plant is a bit tougher and might serve as good butt end for the new sprout?
6/12/2023 2:25:21 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Just break em off and stick in water,they root very quickly.
6/12/2023 4:52:39 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Bring on the 9.06 army
6/12/2023 8:23:37 PM
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
I cut the stem close to the mother plant. I usually cut the stem down to less than 2 inches if I have an older sucker. I go directly into the dirt. As dan said they root pretty quickly. If you go into dirt directly you just have to keep it very wet for a few days.
6/13/2023 12:35:14 AM
lunker99 |
I've had good luck in water as well as Dan said.
6/13/2023 10:55:01 PM
VTWilbur |
Springfield, VT
It works great to maintain a really good plant for next season. My biggest tomato was grown off a cutting from a plant the previous year over wintered in a pot with suckers as new plants for the new season.
6/14/2023 9:45:47 AM
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
Before I got into growing giant tomatoes I had a tomato plant (beefsteak from Walmart) I grew it in Wyoming in a 5 gallon bucket. In the summer I would move it outside then in the winter I moved it back inside. Every year it would flower and have ripe red tomatoes on it for Christmas. When spring came I would clone the suckers from it and put them in the garden. The plant lived for 6 years. We moved to Colorado and it made the trip. Unfortunately my wife was trimming it one day and accidentally cut the main vine. Once it had made it 3 years I tried to find how long tomato plants live but there is no info. I probably got 50 plants from that one plant. I had relatives that I gave a clone to every year. After that cloning has been a part of my tomato growing toolbox.
6/15/2023 11:50:00 AM
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