Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: Marv's book
Date Posted
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I am finally almost ready to pursue internet publishing again. I tried to go to and it is a blank page. It is looking like it is not connecting to a server. The last information that i can find was this: That was Dec 2, 2021. Does anyone that paid for the new online publication have a link that can be accessed?
2/25/2023 4:08:30 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
i found if i could remember my password.......
2/25/2023 7:22:22 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
2/25/2023 7:22:53 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Success, I can access it. Even better, it might be still able to continue to grow. I am not sure how this would work but it can be updated by adding additional addendums. What means..i do not know
Chapter 18, I think we could add some current thinking to it...estimating tomato weights and fibrous vs tap roots. Have you ever seen aeroponic roots? Does anyone remember the more exact estimation formula for weight. I am thinking it was a 3 way measurement with a multiplier. Was it the M-factor?
Been a very long day...time sleep..thanks for reading
2/26/2023 9:57:37 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
2/26/2023 10:52:39 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
yes to M-factor? If so, I remember that you always had the higher factor.
Can you access the book Dan?
2/26/2023 11:19:35 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Yes to m-factor,and no I don't seem to be able to access the book. Good to see you back here again, hope things are going well for you!
2/26/2023 3:34:49 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
hmmmm...if i copy and paste something to you does that break the copyright....i can send you chapter 18
2/26/2023 3:47:25 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
ok, i have chapter 18 stored in my note scratch pad...trying to export it to a pdf file to store on my hd..need a break....63 hours of no sleep makes me slow
2/26/2023 4:06:39 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Estimating Tomato Weight
Growers' Comments on Estimating Tomato Size
Tomato Weight Estimates
Fibrous Roots vs. a Tap Root
Standard vs. Hybrid
on the index..this is what it says should be in chapter 18
what i have managed to see so it covers minnies tape measurement estimation.. there are some holes
2/26/2023 4:11:15 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
my note not going to go away...goodnight everyone
2/26/2023 4:13:00 PM
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
2/27/2023 3:23:59 AM
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
2/27/2023 3:24:26 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Excellent source of information Scott. I wonder if you have ever had contact with Dale Thurber. He is delectationoftomatoes, does not post here very often. I will have to email him..he was a good friend of Marv.
DanS, I sent you what I could get of Chapter 18. It seems incomplete to me. i am glad I still have my 2007 hardcopy book .
2/27/2023 7:40:34 AM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
I'm still not able to access it, my phone won't open the file.
2/27/2023 1:23:42 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
i sent it to you as a page document which is mac. Give me a bit of time. I am going to guess your phone is android. I will have export the page document to something your phone supports. Gives me something to do without looking at the snow.
2/27/2023 2:32:57 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Dan, i need to buy you a new phone... i tried chapter18.pages , chapter18.rtfd and chapter18.pdf I know you have the paperback book. What I am finding is very similar to page 77 with a different picture. I actually like the paperbook better..for some reason it is easier on my eyes.
Has anyone had contact with Dale lately. I sent an email and received an immediate automatic reply that was blank. It is possible that he is so busy that he is ignoring email.
2/27/2023 7:14:03 PM
Saswampo |
San Diego, CA
I haven't had an exchange w/ Dale in about a year, but I see that he posted this blog entry last summer.
"The Secret (?) to Inducing Megablooms on Tomato Vines."
I'm a big fan of Dale and it's def' a great read. A very interesting topic indeed. My sample size is small,but I've had better success when the night temps are a bit cooler, but greater than 55F. Anything much colder & I've had hit or miss pollination.
2/27/2023 11:36:07 PM
Dan Sutherland |
Walla Walla Wa.
Dale is a great guy and very generous and helpful but I will say that what the article refers to as to tomatoes needing to be kept warm is totally the opposite of my experience,not sure why we've experienced such opposite effects, maybe someone else for thought!
2/28/2023 1:35:01 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I have never paid attention to daily highs and lows on my outside plants. It was what it was. Indoors, i had reasonable pollination success. My temps were stable then.
That makes me tired just looking at his growing setup. Growing all those plants, then also writing and maintaining the website....very special
I think I will plant a bit of Dale's seeds this year..I might even have some old ones if i dig deep
2/28/2023 9:17:36 AM
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