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Subject:  How small is too small?

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719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I have a day 11 melon. It was only 35 inch Ott yesterday (17 Circ). The rain did dump a couple inches on us the first week it was pollinated so it never had sunlight to grow well, but is there such thing as too small.

Also, unconnected, I have only seen 2 females on each of my watermelon plants, and I don't have a pollination on my second one. Any advice on getting her to flower?

7/11/2021 8:05:17 AM



I also have the problem of rain effecting watermelon growth. I would also be gratefully for info.

7/11/2021 1:27:27 PM



I also have the problem of rain effecting watermelon growth. I would also be gratefully for info.

7/11/2021 1:27:29 PM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

What can you do? I think you nailed it. SUNLIGHT and lots of it are what melons really thrive on. They can take the heat but sunlight is essential, I can remember one summer many years back, was relatively cool with highs in the upper 70's and low 80's BUT it was sunny... The melons did really well that year. A week of clouds and rain can really slow them down. Pray for some sun!
As far as the unpollinated plant, I would stop all fertilizing and just wait. Not much else you can do. Sometimes a little stress will induce a plant to flower. So it probably wouldn't hurt if the soil dried out a bit too.

7/11/2021 1:56:24 PM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I think I saw a female that had been hiding under the foliage open yesterday so all may not be lost. I guess your right about sunlight so I guess I'll just hope.

7/12/2021 8:53:55 AM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 2/18/2025 9:13:21 PM
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