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Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

I woke up this morning and saw on the front page of the Halifax Herald that Howard had passed away last night.I knew that he had been bravely fighting liver cancer for some time now.He will be missed by so many people from all around the world!
My prayers go out to the entire Dill family.

5/21/2008 6:48:46 AM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

A sad day for sure:


5/21/2008 6:57:34 AM



My prayers go out to the Dill family. Bart


5/21/2008 6:58:46 AM


Hamburg, NY

Very sorry to hear. A truly great man and the father of our sport/hobby. My deepest sympathy to Hilda, Maureen, Danny, Andrew & Diana. Ray Waterman

5/21/2008 7:03:36 AM

Jeff Reid

Nova Scotia

A very Sad Day for all of us our prayers to the the dills
howard you will be missed God Bless the Reid Family

5/21/2008 7:03:59 AM


Rhode Island

Diana mentioned that when Howard passed his family was there by his side.
Howard was an inspiration for all of us.
a true giant of a human being.

5/21/2008 7:09:03 AM



Our Prayers & deepest condolences to the Dill's. A very sad day for us all.

The Jepsen's

5/21/2008 7:10:37 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I heard the news on my way to work, my heart goes out to the Dill family. Smile down on us Howard Dill, it won't be the same without you.

5/21/2008 7:12:43 AM


Garden State Pumpkins

The world has lost a true Gentleman. Howard will be remembered as the one that started it all. Our prayers are with the Dill family. Chuck, Barb and Alex Radcliffe

5/21/2008 7:13:31 AM



A great loss to the Dill family and the whole AG community. I think his work and efforts are known even upstairs in heaven, rest in peace. My deep prayers for Howard Dill and my condolence to the family.

5/21/2008 7:15:30 AM

Marty S.


I am very sorry to hear.Our prayers go out to the Dill family.The pumpkin world will not be the same without Howard.

5/21/2008 7:18:04 AM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Howard will be greatly missed, not just in the pumpkin community, but throughout Nova Scotia, he was an ambassador to the province in every way. Our deepest condolences to all of the Dill family.

The Anderson Family.

5/21/2008 7:26:18 AM

John Van Sand Bagus


Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill Family!
GOD BLESS them all.

John Van Hook

5/21/2008 7:36:51 AM


Farmington, Utah

My prayers are with the Dill family. Howard was a pleasure to talk to. He will be greatly missed. Kenny Blair

5/21/2008 7:59:19 AM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

truly a sad day for all of us

5/21/2008 8:08:11 AM


Northern Cambria, Pa.

The pumpkin community will never be quite the same without Howard. Our deepest condoleces to the Dill's. Larry & Gerry

5/21/2008 8:22:54 AM


President - GPC

Best Wishes and thoughts for the Dill Family.

Gary & Celeste Grande

5/21/2008 8:25:03 AM

croley bend


God Bless Howard Dill and his whole family. Croley Bend aka Stevann Fraley, KY

5/21/2008 8:35:05 AM

Urban Farmer (Frantz)

No Place Special

My prayers are with the Dill family.

5/21/2008 8:51:33 AM

The Pumpkinfest Girl

Port Elgin Ontario Canada

On behalf of Port Elgin Pumpkinfest and the Niagara Convention group, our thoughts are with the Dill Family. Howard will be truly missed.


5/21/2008 8:58:44 AM

watermelonman (Rob)

Frankfort Oh

Dill family ,,sorry to hear about your father,,he will never be forgotten! God Bless you all during this hard time.

5/21/2008 9:00:17 AM



Mr. Dill planted a seed, and WOW look what it grew.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill Family.

The Volkel Family

5/21/2008 9:06:16 AM


bliss,n.y.- heart of Wyoming County

A great loss. May this bring peace to Howard and his family.
Where would our growing community be today without his hard work and forsight.
My sincere condolences to the Howard Dill family.

5/21/2008 9:10:11 AM

don young

a sad day
rest in peace howard

don young

5/21/2008 9:12:25 AM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY

OUR Thoughts and our prays To everyone in the Dill family -from the --Craig Lembke family

5/21/2008 9:18:58 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

A great loss is being felt around the World today as we all learn of Howard's passing. Howard touched thousands of peoples lives through out the years & he will be sadly missed by all. Our deepest condolences to the Dill family.

Phil & Jane Hunt

5/21/2008 9:37:44 AM

Green Angel(Cary Polka)

Grants Pass, Oregon

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family. Cary Polka

5/21/2008 9:38:52 AM


Western Pa.

Words cannot express my sorrow. For those of you whom never met him, Howard was a true legend, the likes of which are seldom seen in this day and age.

Jim Kilbert & Family

5/21/2008 9:41:39 AM

Big Dave the Hamr

Waquoit Mass

the king is gone.think of him everytime you get enjoyment or see someone else get enjoyment from growing AGs.

5/21/2008 9:45:51 AM



God Bless The Howard Dill Family.

5/21/2008 9:49:29 AM


Jefferson, Ohio

A very inspiring man, May God bless the Dill family at this time. Jim R

5/21/2008 9:54:05 AM


Alex, IN

I am truly sad to have not met him. Our prayers go out to the Dill Family.

Mikkal Hodge

5/21/2008 9:56:03 AM


Taber, Alberta

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill family. We are very sorry for your loss.
Alan and Andrea

5/21/2008 9:59:25 AM



My condolences to the Dill family. May God bless you and comfort you.
Doug Wallace

5/21/2008 10:11:24 AM

Miika (Team Lunatic)

South Finland pumpkinfinland@gmail.com

I am very sorry to hear. I wish strenght to Dill family.


5/21/2008 10:15:15 AM


Logan Utah

my best wishs go out to the dill family howard will sure be missed he left his mark on the world and on the hearts of thousands every where ='(

5/21/2008 10:31:46 AM



Peace to the Dill family.
Howard's pain is gone now.
Thank you Mr.Howard Dill,for the madness of Atlantic Giant Pumpkin growing.

5/21/2008 10:37:53 AM

Bohica (Tom)


My condolences to the Dill family.

5/21/2008 10:39:11 AM


Kakabeka Falls,On. Canada.

I am deeply sorry for the loss of a great inspiration man,I think of Howard ofen.My condolences to the Dill Family.
Ben Johnson.

5/21/2008 10:50:54 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

condoleances to the dill family, and a big thanks to mr Howard Dill. His legacy became our passion. rest in peace.

5/21/2008 10:52:45 AM


Johnston, R.I.

R I P Howard.

5/21/2008 10:57:43 AM

Perfect Pumpkin

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill Family. Bill & Dawn Northrup

5/21/2008 10:59:21 AM


Deer Park WA

Sorry to hear about Howards passing, he was a truly great man and an inspiration to us.

Gerry & Dani Gadberry

5/21/2008 11:02:49 AM


Westford, MA

Our Condolences and Prayers to the Dill Family.
A piece of Howard lives in our patches every season.
The Kearns Family

5/21/2008 11:12:37 AM


London, Ohio

howard dill will always live on through the great hobby he started and he will never be forgotten.may he watch over each of our pumpkins with a smile.
my thoughts and prayers to the dill family.

5/21/2008 11:22:46 AM



Condolences and prayers to the Dill Family.

5/21/2008 11:24:35 AM

geo. napa ca

Napa Valley, CA

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family.
Howard was an inspiration to us all.
George & Paula Webster

5/21/2008 11:32:37 AM


Honesdale, Pennsylvania

A sad day for the pumpkin growing world. My condolences to the Dill familly. He will never be forgotten.

5/21/2008 11:35:26 AM


Pembroke, New Hampshire

Condolences to the Dill family from NH.
A sad day indeed. Where would we be without him and his efforts...

5/21/2008 11:43:28 AM

Rob T

Somers, CT

We are so sorry. Our prayers go out to his family. He will be greatly missed.

5/21/2008 11:45:55 AM

Lil' Mac

Poulsbo, WA

Sad news indeed, he left behind an indelible mark that we will all appreciate and honor.

5/21/2008 11:46:19 AM

The Painter

Apple Hill. CA.

"The Pumpkin King" will never be forgotten. God Bless the Dill family!

5/21/2008 11:47:02 AM



Howard Dill is the reason I became published after years and years of trying. Even though I never met him, he gave me a story to tell by bringing his giants into the world. And he's given every person who has ever planted one of his seeds a story to tell as well. God Bless Howard Dill and his family.

5/21/2008 11:54:30 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Sorry to hear about Howards passing,Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill family.

5/21/2008 12:01:07 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Really sorry to hear that and our condolences to the Dills.

Howard certainly made his mark on the world!

5/21/2008 12:06:35 PM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

A very sad day.
My prayers are with the Dill family.

5/21/2008 12:13:03 PM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

I am very sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with Howards family and friends.

Doug Adams
John 3:16

5/21/2008 12:22:18 PM



Thank You Howard for giving all of us this fantastic pastime!! God Bless. Peter

5/21/2008 12:24:49 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

What a true legacy and great family he leaves behind. He will be missed by all!! We will be thinking and praying for the Dills.

5/21/2008 12:30:19 PM

Ray A

Schenectady,New York

My prayers are with the Dill family in this time of sadness. Howard has done so much for the pumpkin growing community.

5/21/2008 12:42:40 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

My prayers are with the Dill family as well.

5/21/2008 12:50:40 PM


Taylorsville, California

I still remember the first time I talked with Howard over the phone and how inspiring he was,how he made a huge impression on me and my current love for Dills Atlantic Giant pumpkins! He recomended me a couple seeds to buy from his site and I will make sure to plant those with an extra special meaning and purpose. Howard, your spirit will live on in all our AG gardens for eternity. Thank you from the AG growers of the world, and I hope we can help the Dill family celebrate the life of a wonderful man. God Bless,

The Linford family

5/21/2008 1:02:51 PM


Dummer Twp - Ontario

Our thoughts and prayers are with the dill family at this time. This great man has changed so many lives and will for many years to come. Kirk

5/21/2008 1:03:18 PM


ipswich, ma usa

It's a sad day indeed from one Boston Bruins fan to another Rest in Peace Howard. You can now chat about the cup with all the greats that have passed.

John (5150)

5/21/2008 1:06:09 PM


With out Howard the strong giant pumpkin growing community would not be what it is today. Howard is in my prayers.


5/21/2008 1:09:21 PM


Syracuse, NY

i was glad to have met Howard at Niagara Falls a couple of years ago, and he signed a picture of himself i had brought to that Seminar for that purpose.
i will treasure it more than ever now.
may the PVP never run out on the happiness and
reasons to succeed that this man has brought us all--
eric gerry

5/21/2008 1:32:42 PM


canal winchester ohio

I met Howard once when I was a kid, very nice man. My thoughts are with the Dill family.

5/21/2008 1:49:25 PM


Hudsonville, Michigan (michiganpumpkins@sbcglobal.net)

Our prayers are with the Dill family. Howard was a great friend of AG growing in Michigan, as he was everywhere. He will be greatly missed.


5/21/2008 1:53:43 PM


Litchfield N. H. 03052

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill Family. Take comfort in the fact that Howard Dill will never be forgotten.
Bill & Linda

5/21/2008 1:58:49 PM


St. Thomas Ontario

I remember getting my first seed from Mr. Dill at 11 years old. Howard always had or made time, even for the 'small' and not so famous. Was never too busy to walk us through the patch in early spring or when the monsters were set. Whether called 'The grandfather', The Ali' or 'The pumpkin king', he'll always be the greatest pumpkin grower of all time in my eyes. Thank you Howard for the seeds, the advice and for the memories that will stay with our family for a lifetime.


5/21/2008 2:00:05 PM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

may god bless them in this time of need .

5/21/2008 2:12:24 PM

Dutch Brad


May God bless and comfort those that are left behind. A pumpkin icon has passed and we can be thankful for all he has done to get us all where we are today.

5/21/2008 2:27:45 PM

Brooks B


condolences to the Dill family

Brooks Bosworth

5/21/2008 2:33:36 PM


Monrovia, CA

The Dill family is in my thoughts. Howard will be missed.


5/21/2008 2:53:11 PM

Andy W

Western NY

I'm glad I was able to shake the man's hand when I met him at the falls a few years back. I will always remember him as a great person.

5/21/2008 2:59:51 PM

gartenmundl (Raimund)

Germany (Bavaria)

A sad day!
My condolences to the Dill family.


5/21/2008 3:11:52 PM

GPW (Crazy-Growers)


Oh my God.
Very bad news.
My condolences to the Dill family.


5/21/2008 3:15:43 PM


Long Island,New York

My condolences to the Dills.

5/21/2008 3:17:35 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Howard was a true friend. I will cherish the day we spent with him forever. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Dill family


5/21/2008 3:43:24 PM

Billy Orange

Schoenebach / Bavaria

A sad day!
My condolences to the Dill family.


5/21/2008 4:24:20 PM

Duchezeau JL

Sancoins / Cher / FRANCE

My prayers go out to the Dill family, jean louis

5/21/2008 4:25:11 PM

Bryson E.

Utah, brysterz11@hotmail.com

My prayers are with the Dill family

5/21/2008 4:27:52 PM


Puyallup, WA

Even though we knew it was coming, his death is a major loss to the world of the giant pumpkin. We will pray for
Danny and his family.

5/21/2008 4:51:14 PM

StL Kenny

Wood River, IL (kennyw_49@yahoo.com)

Our thoughts & prayers goes out to the Dill family. Truly a sad day.


5/21/2008 4:56:00 PM

giant pumpkin farmer


I am very sorry, but I know he will never be forgotten.


5/21/2008 4:58:26 PM

Billy K

Mastic Beach, New York

To the Dill family ,Sorry for your loss

5/21/2008 5:28:38 PM

Hands on

Coupeville WA

What can be said that has not already been said?
I am soooo greatful to have met him at his home. He spent an entire day talking with my family and I when we stopped in one August afternoon. He was so very gracious.
He will most definitely be missed.

5/21/2008 5:41:22 PM

friend of HD

Long Island New York

I did not know Howard Dill existed till I bought a pack of Atlantic Giant at Lowes last spring, and as a goof I took as a nickname " friend of HD ". im sorry i only knew of him only a short while. My condolances.
sidnyo Long Island NY

5/21/2008 5:56:19 PM

Farmer Chuck

Santa Rosa, CA

We all owe so much to Howard Dill. He will be missed. My condolences go out to the Dill family.

Chuck Veader

5/21/2008 6:23:56 PM


Parker, Co

If not for Howard Dill this wonderful hobby we have may never happened. We would not have met all the wonderful people we share this obsession with. Just think how one person has favorably influenced so many lives! I would probably still be in Colorado if not for Howard Dill.
Cindi and I first met Howard Dill in 1984 when we spent our honeymoon in Nova Scotia. He took a day out of his schedule to show us around Nova Scotia. What a beautiful place, with all it's coves and inlets. I will never forget how he took time from his busy schedule to show us around.
More than anything I remember about Howard is that he was a good person. What more can you say.
We love you Howard and will miss you. Pete and Cindi Glasier

5/21/2008 6:35:41 PM


Newmarket, NH USA

I met Howard for the first time at Niagara Falls several years ago. He was a real gentleman and was so nice to all the people and spent time with everyone. I will always remember that weekend. Howard will be missed so much. Matt

5/21/2008 6:38:21 PM



our prayers go out to the family in this time of sadness. may god bless them.

5/21/2008 6:40:42 PM


(rocky) Bonney Lake Wa.

What an outstanding legacy he has left for us to carry on. We all owe alot to him and his family. That you Howard Dill and family for an exciting hobby and you will always be apart of we do. RIP


5/21/2008 6:40:43 PM


Central Ca

Where would we be without him. His selfless actions spoke louder than any words can. His example spoke for itself. God bless the Dill family.

5/21/2008 6:41:03 PM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family.......the Leonzi family

5/21/2008 6:48:35 PM

Bob Attaway

Flowery Branch, Georgia

The growing community has lost its visionary.
Howard developed the AG seed as we know it today.

I am sure Danny will carry forth the Dill legacy.

My condolences to the Dill family:
Bb Attaway

5/21/2008 7:00:58 PM

Don Crews


Very sad. Our thoughts are with the Dill family. I can't think of anyone more deserving of a bronze statue. Every time I visit my patch I will think of him.


5/21/2008 7:07:59 PM


Rapid City, SD

My condolences to the Dill family.

5/21/2008 7:14:30 PM


Topsfield, Ma.

Condolensces to the Dill family. I think we pay Homage to Howard every time we plant an AG seed. Thank you Howard Dill
Bob and Christine Duffy

5/21/2008 7:21:04 PM

Craig F


God bless Howard and the Dill family.


5/21/2008 7:22:00 PM


Buffalo, new York, USA

Prayers for strenght and comfort.

5/21/2008 7:40:03 PM



My heart felt condolences go out to all the Dills
Truly a great loss, I am very fortunately to have met and talked to Howard

5/21/2008 7:54:29 PM


Tenino, WA.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill's. Howard touched a lot of our lives, he will be remembered by many, forever. All our best, Jack and Sherry

5/21/2008 8:03:34 PM

Nana Rea

Massillon, Ohio

These posts are a tribute to an inspiring and most respected man. I wish I could have met him. My sincere condolences to the family.....Glenna Rea

5/21/2008 8:09:40 PM


Sparta, NC

May God Bless the Dill family and remember that Howard is now growing pumpkins in the greatest patch of all.

5/21/2008 8:21:01 PM


Reed Point Montana

Ever since i was a little kid I dreamed of growing Dill's atlantic giant pumpkins and would like to say thanks to Howard Dill for all he's done to inspire such a great hobby
and my best wishes too all his family and friends.
Sincerly, Clarence

5/21/2008 8:33:14 PM

Dan McKie

Niagara County, NY

Thoughts and prayers for the Dill family. A truly sad day for sure.

5/21/2008 8:33:20 PM



my prayers are with the dill family

5/21/2008 8:34:07 PM


Jericho Vermont

Our thoughts are with the Dill family. May Howard's legacy go on for ever with all of us that he inspired to grow the perfect giant pumpkin.
John Young and Family

5/21/2008 8:37:41 PM

Mr.D & Me


Im so sorry to hear the very sad news.
my prayers are with the Dill Family

5/21/2008 8:37:55 PM


Springfield, Missouri

My thoughts and prayers are with the Dill family.

Logan Duncan

5/21/2008 9:01:06 PM

Joe P.

Leicester, NY

When I met Howard Dill a few years ago at Niagara Falls, I shook his hand and thanked him. I can not describe the pure fun and enjoyment I get out of growing the magical pumpkin Howard created. I’ve had a chance to meet, what I believe to be some of the nicest people in the world, special people that will be my lifelong friends, all because of Howard Dill. God Bless you Howard and the Dill family. Joe Pukos and family

5/21/2008 9:04:46 PM


Decatur, IL

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family.
We owe all our joys and pleasures in pumpkin growing to Howard! Charlie Tribout

5/21/2008 9:07:58 PM

you grow girl

West Sunbury, PA (ander@zoominternet.net)

All our thoughts and prayers to the Dill's in this time of sorrow. Condolences.
Chip & Heidi

5/21/2008 9:08:43 PM


no.scituate R I

Our deepest sympathy to the Dill family. The entire pumpkin community mourns his loss. He was an inspiration to all giant pumpkin growers. He will be truly missed.
Thanks, Howard!

The Jutras Family

5/21/2008 9:14:01 PM

burrhead gonna grow a slunger

Mill Creek West by god Virginia

howard may you grow the first true giant pumpkin in heaven, god bless you and god bless the dill family

5/21/2008 9:30:20 PM

The BiZ

Littleton, Colo

God Bless Howard and his family.....A true legend ! He'll never be forgotten !! Prayer go out to the family ! Jim Grande

5/21/2008 9:38:53 PM

Think Big

Commack, NY

words alone cannot express the gift you've given us all. you will surely be missed.

5/21/2008 9:47:00 PM

Frank 4

Coventry R.I.

Condolences to the Dill Faimly.

5/21/2008 9:48:02 PM

Buddy G

Greene County, Pa.

very sad times indeed, god bless Howard and his family.

5/21/2008 10:05:25 PM

Alan N

New York

I was very sorry to receive word of Howard’s passing. I first contacted Howard in 1985 as a very excited kid wanting to learn how to grow the "big ones". During those early years never once did he appear to be frustrated or annoyed to be talking with a 14 year old kid...sometimes hours at a time. He was very patient and understanding with all my questions even with a busy schedule. As years went by the best times were the long talks that would always start with pumpkins and then work it’s way to sports (especially hockey). I remember the day he told me that Quarterback Bob Griese came up for a visit on the farm. Howard was able to hold his 1972 Superbowl ring when his Dolphins went undefeated. Then came the calls during the fall (there was no internet)....who had a big one... and who lost a big one...rumors of the next world record and new things to try next season...and his amazement at just how large the Atlantic Giant was becoming year after year. I’ll remember Howard as a good friend always willing to lend a hand and very generous with his time. He will be missed.

5/21/2008 10:05:41 PM



My prayers go out to the Dill family for strength and a loving touch from the Lord.

5/21/2008 10:12:31 PM

shadow pumpkin

What an inspiration Howard Dill has been to a lot of people around the world. He will be greatly missed. Thoughts & Prayers be with the Dill family.

5/21/2008 10:17:43 PM

Pennsylvania Rock


TO all the Dill family, God Bless all of you and I pray for you for strength in this time of grief. I too knew Howard through the phone in my early days, and it always amazed me he would take my calls. To me, it was like talking to the president, a World Series MVP, the Daytona 500 winner, or whatever all rolled up into one. I have a post card of Howard autographed on my wall, means nothing to most who see it, but it means the world to me.

Danny and family, my thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

**By the way,I can say with honesty, the one award on my wall that I won in 11 years of competitive growing is last years "Howard Dill" award for prettiest pumpkin.

5/21/2008 10:23:10 PM



Dill family,I am sorry for your loss....Howard,thanks for the great hobby....Mike Strange

5/21/2008 10:25:51 PM


Zone 6, Missouri

Oh man! I was just wondering how Howard Dill was doing till I saw this. I wish I could have met him, he was the true father of the sport. With out his achievements these wonderful plants would not be what they are today.

We love ya Howard and we will miss you, God has a great place for you in heaven.

God Bless the Dill family & my prayers are with them.

5/21/2008 10:33:06 PM


Dillon Montana 5200 feet high

today, on a cold windy montana day...the first dill giant atlantic seed sprouted it's first lonely root...i was so proud of my first dill....ready to post in my diary...just to find this sad note of howard's passing....es tut mir so leid....i'll name my first dillon dill "howard" in your honor.

5/21/2008 10:33:17 PM


Denver, CO

Dill Family, I am sorry for you loss. Although Howard my be gone, there will always be a part of him in all of us each and every time we plant one of these magnificent seeds. I can only imagine the pumpkins Howard will grow up there in Heaven. Thank you very much Howard, you will be missed by all.

5/21/2008 10:37:32 PM


Pocatello (cliffwarren@yahoo.com)

My deepest condolences to the Dill family. I wish I could have met Howard personally. Thank you for all you have done to make this pursuit what it is today. Generations to come will point to Howard Dill as the one who did the most to bring giant pumpkins to the world.

5/21/2008 10:39:52 PM


Santa Rosa California

howard you will be missed god bless you for what you have done you where truely one of the best plant breeders to grace this earth. as the niagara t shirts say "all hail king howard"
you are the true king of the gaints

5/21/2008 10:42:47 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

A moment of quiet here, Howard will be missed. He's up in the great patch up yonder where frost and SVB's never happen and nothing ever blows.... My condolences to his family.

5/21/2008 10:52:55 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Wishes for strength, and peace in these hard times for the Dill family. I will always think of a giant pumpkin, as a Dill's Atlantic Giant...not an AG. Peace and Grace, Wayne

5/21/2008 10:53:02 PM



Nova Scotia lost a legend.Our sympathy to the Dill family.

5/21/2008 11:00:51 PM


Darfield, British Columbia, Canada

Mt deepest sympathy. Pumpkin growers all around the world will miss him. Sad day for sure.

5/21/2008 11:07:54 PM

paul palcic

Dayton OH

Our deepest sympathy to the Dill family. Paul and Sharon.

5/21/2008 11:21:02 PM



Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill Family. Thanks for giving us a great hobby.
Gordon Tanner & family

5/21/2008 11:30:36 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Howard Dill may be at rest, but his legacy continues in all of the growers that he inspired. May God grant his family comfort in the knowledge of the resurection and being united again in eternal life.

5/21/2008 11:46:28 PM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

My condolences. It is a great loss.

5/22/2008 12:16:33 AM


Cochecton, NY

Deepest sympathy to the Dill family. A pioneer has been lost. We should all grow "THE BIG ONE " for Howard.

5/22/2008 1:08:02 AM


Nikiski, Alaska 99635

My deepest condolences to the Dill Family. Thankyou Sir Howard Dill. Your passion and dream is alive and well.

J.D. Megchelsen

5/22/2008 1:14:08 AM


Sequim, WA

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family. Thank you Howard for creating something that has brought so much enjoyment to so many people. He's left a legacy that should outlive all of us.

5/22/2008 1:24:03 AM


Mocksville, NC

Our deepest sympathy to the Dill family.
Roger & Lena Reinsvold.

5/22/2008 1:38:36 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

My condolences. I never met Mr Dill, but he changed my life.

5/22/2008 1:46:57 AM



A sad news for all of us.My special condolences for the Dill family.The name name Howard Dill will never be forgotten, we all are in the thoughts with him.
The pumpkin community will not more be the same without him.
Josef, Vienna-Austria

5/22/2008 2:43:24 AM

Spudley (Scott)


I never got a chance to meet "THE MAN" but he was truly a Giant in the pumpkin world!! May God Bless.

5/22/2008 3:47:00 AM

Keep Trying!! ( stephen )

The County of Berkshire, UK

A very very sad loss to the pumpkin world..My thoughts go to the Dill family..


5/22/2008 4:00:10 AM


Bristol, ME (stunner906@roadrunner.com)

We are so very thankful for all Howard gave us. Our thoughts and condolences to the Dill family.

5/22/2008 5:05:00 AM

manure man

Windham Maine

So sad of a day, My deepest condolences to the Dill Family, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

5/22/2008 5:26:34 AM

Jeremy B

Dresden, Ohio

In only my second year of pumpkin growing, I learned how appreicated and how much Howard Dill means to people. May God Bless Howard Dill and his family.

5/22/2008 6:12:21 AM


South Finland

Condolences to the Dill Family from growers here in Finland too.

5/22/2008 6:13:16 AM


Europe, Germany, Krefeld

A sad day for every pumpkin grower...
My condolences to the Dill family.

Martin K.

5/22/2008 6:19:23 AM


I truely regret not meeting Mr Dill, but I have had the opportunity to talk to Danny. My thoughts go out to the family. Thank you all for helping create this wonderful and interesting hobby.

This message board shows the influence you all have had on many people for so many years,,,

Dan Bowles

5/22/2008 6:23:04 AM

Jon N.

Central Oklahoma ( water_proofer@yahoo.com)

Our deepest sympathy to the Dill family, Our prayers are with you.

Jonathan Navarro

5/22/2008 6:39:42 AM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

My condolences to the family of a great man who through his energy and foresight brought happiness,awe and excitement to so many people worldwide.
The world is a better place from the positive influence Howard has made on thousands of growers and millions of fans.--Al Eaton

5/22/2008 6:45:36 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia


5/22/2008 7:07:04 AM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Donations in memory of Howard for the Hants Community Hospital Palliative Care Unit can be made through the Hants Community Hospital Foundation at (902)792-2007.

5/22/2008 7:59:38 AM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Also note, the website listed on the obituary is incorrect, it should read


5/22/2008 8:07:15 AM



My Condolences to the Dill Family.

godspeed Howard.

Glenn Peters

5/22/2008 8:12:31 AM


western PA

My deepest condoleces to the Dill's.

5/22/2008 8:17:57 AM

Punkin's Oma (Carol)

California High Desert CinnamintStick@msn.com

Thank you Howard for giving us the dream to grow a BIG one and to pass this memory to our grandson.

5/22/2008 8:23:01 AM

Dchico (Robert)

Sophia WV

My deepest condolences to the Dill family.God Bless
Robert and Sandy Treadway

5/22/2008 8:35:08 AM


Irishtown, Nb, Canada

Sad days for all pumpkin growers All will agree that Howard Dill was a giant amoung men. Our prayers go out to the Dill family...Elizabeth and David Steeves

5/22/2008 8:54:17 AM


West Jordan, Utah

What a great legacy of pumpkins he left. Thank you

5/22/2008 8:57:02 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Dill family.
Thank you Howard for giving us the seeds to make dreams come true.
Dave & Carol Stelts

5/22/2008 8:58:06 AM


new middletown ohio

what a great life, may he rest in peace. steve razo and family

5/22/2008 9:13:58 AM


Simi valley, ca

Not knowing him personally he sounded like a great man in so many ways, But the obvious is to thank him for giving people dreams to grow giant pumpkins -made possible! Not just to win contests ,But just to grow a giant pumpkin for the fun of it!! Thanks Howard ,, Our thoughts are with the dill family !!

5/22/2008 9:22:01 AM


Brittnau , Switzerland

My condolences to the Dill family.

5/22/2008 9:25:52 AM



Our thoughts and prayers to the family..

May your hearts be comforted at this sad time,
with sincere condolences,
Curtis and Michelle Verhoff

5/22/2008 9:40:57 AM



my condolences to the dills-its a sad day.sincerely joe and michelle scherber

5/22/2008 10:00:07 AM


Belgium Europe

My condolences to the Dill family.
Jos Ghaye

5/22/2008 10:01:51 AM

Tom B


Here's to a truly great pioneer. Thank you for what you have done.

My condolences to the Dill family.

Tom Beachy

5/22/2008 11:11:28 AM


Liberal Ks.

My condolences to the Dills, God Bless

5/22/2008 11:12:27 AM

Boom Boom

Sort of Sunny Sometimes, WA

I've always considered Mr. Dill the "Father Abraham" of giant pumpkin growing. What a legacy he has left us all. May he rest in peace.
Erin Huff

5/22/2008 11:15:50 AM

The Pumpkinguru

Cornelius, Oregon

Our thoughts and prayers to the family. I feel fortunate to be part of a dream he turned into reality.
God Bless

5/22/2008 11:19:37 AM

john boy


Sorry to hear. God bless your family.

5/22/2008 11:29:34 AM


Prince Edward County, Ontario Canada

It's a sad day in the Giant Pumpkin Community.
God bless.

5/22/2008 11:32:52 AM


Greensburg Pa

Yes a sad day indeed. I never met Mr Dill but there so much I have read and heard about him. He has done so much for the pumpkin community. My prays go out to the Dill family. May they find comfort with his passing. My mother and father both died of cancer. It is a horrible disease, but good thing is with Mr Dills passing he is at peace.

5/22/2008 11:45:16 AM



Howard has left a legacy that will live forever! his spirit lives on in every one of us. God bless !!him and his family


5/22/2008 12:25:35 PM


Baildon, Saskatchewan, Canada , EH

My deepest condolences go out to the Dill Family in their time of need.Thank you Howard for what you have given us.

5/22/2008 1:33:35 PM



My condolences. He will never be forgotten amongst growers.

5/22/2008 1:41:32 PM

Green power

Atlantic Canada

Howard always had time to talk. A few years ago when a fellow-teacher from here phoned to inquire about obtaining some AG seeds for the first time, he was surprised that Howard answered the phone himself and spent considerable time explaining a few pointers to the "newbie". When the new customer asked about paying by credit card or cheque, Howard simply told him to send him $5.00 whenever the seeds arrived. He will be missed by so many people, but his kindness, patience and generosity will live on. Every trip out to the patch will be an homage to this great man.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and close friends on these sad days.

5/22/2008 1:42:15 PM


Clarence, NY, USA

Rest in Peace Howard. Thank you for sharing your hard work with all of us.

5/22/2008 3:01:34 PM



All my thoughts for Howard's family,he was a great man and a friend for everybody!Thank you Howard Dill!
Fabrice Boudyo

5/22/2008 3:45:13 PM


Taylorsville, Utah

My deepest sympathy to the Dill family. Howard left a great legacy. He will be truly missed.
Andrew Israelsen and family

5/22/2008 3:55:43 PM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

All my life Howard dill was john elway to me. He was one of the top 5 people I always wanted to meet. He inspired me to grow big, I found out today from anouther grower. My sympathy to his family.

But the man gave a gift that alot of us is our lives, AG's. How many people have plants named after them? not many, but he did.


5/22/2008 5:06:18 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


May the Dill family be consoled in the knowledge that Howard’s life affected so many people in a positive way.

5/22/2008 5:45:37 PM


Nova Scotia Canada/likethefellasays@hotmail.com

RIP Mr Dill a true Icon of Nova Scotia
the goal in life is to not live forever ,but to create something that will ,,,,Howard definatly accomplished that

5/22/2008 6:02:54 PM

randy in walton

Walton N.y.

our condolences to the dill faimly. deb and randy sundstrom

5/22/2008 6:12:34 PM


Statesville, Nc

Our condolences to the dill family. The Elliott family.

5/22/2008 6:22:08 PM


northern indiana

Thank you Howard for your gift to the world. From one of the many familys lives touched in a positive way by your hard work and generosity.
Our condolences and prayers to the Dill family
The Hapners
Eric, Sheri, & Heather

5/22/2008 6:37:15 PM

Colorado Pumpkisourous


Thank you Howard Dill for making the world a better place.
May perpetual light shine upon him.

Keith in Colorado

5/22/2008 6:52:19 PM

Chris L


Our condolences to the Dill family. My Dad and myself were honoured to meet Howard on a few occasions and we always enjoyed his down to earth talks about growing pumpkins. His legacy will live on in all of us.
Chris and John Lyons

5/22/2008 7:30:51 PM


Tyro Va

My condolences to the Dill Family.
I wish i got a chance to meet the Man

5/22/2008 7:57:04 PM


milford, CT,

My condolences and prayers to the Dill family. Neither Howard or his contibutions will be forgotten. The Lombardi Family

5/22/2008 8:01:55 PM

Growing artist


Thank you Howard for making our hobby possible.
Remeber, without this great man our hobby and this website wouldn`t exist.
My condolences to his family and his friends. All Giant Pumpkin growers are said these days because they will miss the man who created the basics of this great sport.
I am very sorry that I never got a chance to meet him.
We will all miss you, Howard, and we`ll never forget you.

5/22/2008 8:27:59 PM


Joliet, IL

a sad day for sure. my prayers go out to the Dill family and all of Howard's pumpkin growing friends he touched along the way.
jeff shenoha

5/22/2008 8:30:37 PM


Key West, FL

He created a great hobby that has enriched the lives of many and will be remembered forever. He will be missed.
-Ben Bortner

5/22/2008 8:38:11 PM

jeff a

memphis ny

My condolences to the Dill family. The Alberts family

5/22/2008 8:42:25 PM



Our deepest condolences to the Dill family. We pray God gives you strength to cope in the days ahead. Thank you Howard for all you did to promote this great sport. Rest in peace now. George and Mary Ann Hoomis

5/22/2008 9:02:03 PM


Freeville, New York

My condolences to the Dill family. Matt VerSchneider

5/22/2008 9:17:01 PM

Smoky Mtn Pumpkin (Team GWG)

sevierville, Tn

Our condolences to the Dill family, Just think of the big ones Howard can now grow for the Lord !
The Kent family

5/22/2008 9:19:28 PM


Moncton, NB, Canada

My thoughts are with the Dill family. Dennis Daigle

5/22/2008 9:23:29 PM


addison Il

My prayers are with the Dill family. We are sorry for your loss and share in your grief. Tracy and Shawn

5/22/2008 9:25:55 PM


anytown U.S,A,

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the dill family.
Alan Kopp & family

5/22/2008 9:27:42 PM



Dear Dill Family,

Our greatest condolences to you all. Howard will always be the true "Pumpkin King"!!

He is a great man that wouldnt let any person/government tell him NO.

The Christophersons

5/22/2008 9:33:19 PM

John Cabot Trail

Nova Scotia

My deepest condolences to the Dill Family.
Howard was a GIANT among men and an inspiration to me since a very young age. Thank you Howard!

John MacKinnon

5/22/2008 9:45:44 PM


Nova Scotia Canada

Our thought and prayers go out to the Dill family.
Brian and Patricia Kenneally

5/22/2008 9:55:13 PM


San Diego, Ca.

My condolences to the Dill Family.
I never met Howard or talked to him so he wouldn't know me from Adam but I am thankful to him because of his work in developing AG's that has brought great joy and excitement to my family and all who see these giant pumpkins.

Vince George

5/22/2008 9:59:25 PM


So. Maine

Our condolences to all of Howards family . Al & Yvette Berard.

5/22/2008 10:02:19 PM

Matt D.


I do not know where I would be without giant pumpkins. I am thankful for everything Howard has brought us.

May God bless him and his family.

Sow good seed.

5/22/2008 10:09:12 PM



If each of us could create something in our lifetime which touches people in the way that Howard's creation has, the world would be an amazing place. Howard Dill will not be forgotten.

5/22/2008 10:12:35 PM

Wade WI

wisconsin rapids WI

My Prayers go out to the Dill family Howard will be definitely missed

5/22/2008 10:44:08 PM

Pinnacle Peak

British Columbia, Canada

Rest IN Peace Howard. You will never be frogoten

5/22/2008 11:00:56 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

I ordered my first giant pumpkin seeds from Howard Dill about 12 years ago. Just one small package with 5 seeds in it. I can't remember how big the pumpkins were I grew from those seeds, probably not very big, but they grew something in me that can't be measured on any scale.

That was quite a few pumpkins ago and alot has changed in my life since those first 5 seeds, a wife, 2 kids, a new house, a new job... but there have always been Atlantic Giant Pumpkins.

They calm my nerves after a hectic day and yet sometimes they keep me awake at night. They make my kids smile and my wifes head shake, yet there is no place I would rather be at the end of a long hot day on the farm, but in my garden. When the sun dips down over the mountains and the air starts to cool and I've finished up my patch chores, I sit down in my pumpkin patch and watch my little boys run around the yard, I twist the top off a cold one, and I look at my pumpkins and let my imagination run away with me.

Five little seeds, I'll never be able to repay you Mr. Dill, may you Rest in Peace.



5/22/2008 11:36:54 PM



My prayers go out to the entire Dill family. Without
Howards personal contribution to this hobby we wouldn't
be sitting here talking pumpkins today.... God Bless
Jim B

5/23/2008 6:10:48 AM


North of FRANCE

A great man, great pumpkins, thank you Edward for all the madness of growing, rest in peace, goodbye Mr DILL.

5/23/2008 8:18:18 AM


Middleton, WI

Becky and I offer our deepest sympathy to the Dill Family. Howard's legacy will live on through our efforts to improve both the size and color of the Atlantic Giant Pumpkins. Thank-you to the Dill family for Atlantic Giant Pumpkins.

George Poirier

5/23/2008 10:54:28 AM


South Dakota

My prayers go out to the Dill family. He was a great man who brought alot of great people together! He will be missed! Kevin Marsh

5/23/2008 1:53:17 PM


Marshfield, Ma, USA

My condolences and prayers to The Dill family.

I had the chance to meet Howard at his farm in Nova Scotia. He gave us the tour, and some growing advice. I'll always be grateful. We will all miss him.

5/23/2008 2:25:25 PM



My condolences to the Dill family.

5/23/2008 3:00:19 PM

Indana Grower

New Salisbury IN

My payers og out to the Dill family


5/23/2008 3:39:51 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

The father of The AGP, Howard Dill spawned a new revolution when for years he toiled with a few seeds in his backyard. The revolution I’m talking about is now a throng of growers that includes the best of gardeners right on down to the happy youngsters that form 4H clubs across the continent who fling the Dill seeds earthward. From, hobbyist and expeierenced and to those just wishing to grow a sizable porch decoration on October 31st, Howard Dill has decorated us all. He has for more than a generation helped us to adorn our gardens with the largest vegetable mankind can produce.

5/23/2008 3:42:25 PM

moro (sergio)

Cologne Brescia Italy

My prayers are with the Dill family.

5/23/2008 4:40:45 PM

Madman Marc!

Colo Springs CO

What a sad time for giant pumpkins... Or best said... what a sad time for Atlantic Giant Pumpkins...

My condolences to the Dill family.

5/23/2008 5:00:34 PM


Ann Arbor, Mi


Condolences to the Dill Faimly.

5/23/2008 5:49:37 PM



It's a wonerful thing genetics they still live on and on. What a huge feeling it must been to have planted some of the first seeds and have it grow to this. Many thanks to the Dill family and my condolences for your loss.

5/23/2008 5:51:42 PM


Lymington UK

I’ve just got back from my holiday and heard the sad news about Howard. What a great man with a great family. Because of his insight in creating the AG, Stuart and I have had many years of fun growing those seeds that came out of the packet with a photo of Howard next to that huge pumpkin in his patch. Our thoughts are with the Dill family, Ian

5/23/2008 6:20:22 PM


Bordentown, NJ

Sorry to hear the pumpkin king has passed on to greener pastures...

5/23/2008 7:11:30 PM



Condolences to the Dill Faimly.

5/23/2008 8:27:47 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Thank you Howard I was at a low spot in my life and instead of burying myself, I buried a few giant pumpkin seeds in the ground. I'm in great shape now thankfully but it was the seeds of your labor that kept me going. A watercolor painting of your home hangs in my living room. People who never met you think of you every day and we will all miss you. Jim Gerhardt

5/23/2008 10:23:02 PM

just bill ( team Pettit )

Adams County

My condolences to the Dill family

5/23/2008 10:31:57 PM


Vermont Green MTN State

Oh no. I just heard, I owe howard alot, he is an insipration to me. I met some of his family but never had the honor to meet him. My heart goes out to all.
Thank you Howard for your beloved Alantic Giants.

5/23/2008 10:46:34 PM

The Punisher

Casa Grande, AZ

My prayers and thanks to him and his family....

5/23/2008 11:34:27 PM

uncle jbr

Redondo Bch., CA

We are all honored to be a part of something that Howard took an interest in & developed in our lifetime. To take something green & make it even more unique, giving us happiness & wonder.
Condolences & peace to the Dill Family.

5/24/2008 1:05:40 AM


porterville, calif.

The good ones leave this earth to early. Howard will be missed. I just wish I could of met him. He was a insipration to us all.

5/24/2008 1:54:33 AM


Austria (Europe)

my condolences to the dill family

5/24/2008 6:35:37 AM

Ron H

Riverton, WY

My condolences to the Dill family as well.

5/24/2008 7:11:42 AM

Paddy the fisherman

Louth , Ireland

Let us all remember his name in the pumpkins we grow.
My only regret is that I never met you Howard Dill.

5/24/2008 3:32:19 PM


Nova Scotia

our prays r with the dill family.

5/24/2008 5:20:21 PM



Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dill family.

5/24/2008 8:28:55 PM

Jordan Grimes

Aloha, Oregon

Our prayers and condolences go to his family.Howard Dill will be greatly missed and never forgotten.REST IN PEACE Howard Dill.

5/24/2008 10:22:01 PM


Bemidji Minnesota

RIP, the Great One himself.

He will always be remembered.

Every time a seeds is gently placed in the earth, Howard will be there.

5/24/2008 10:48:49 PM


niagara falls

My condolences to the Dill family.You will never be forgotten.The Szick family

5/24/2008 11:56:19 PM


Ba2 2el England

RIP howard,no one here will ever forget you,from rich and family.

5/25/2008 4:24:22 AM


Niagara Falls,NY

Our prayers and thoughts to the Dill family. Howard will be missed. His dedication and passion is what made this hobby what it is today. God bless.

Don and Hope

5/25/2008 8:49:54 AM


Warszawa Poland

For sure one of saddest day in our sport, this day should become as a festivity. My thoughts and prayers to the Dill family. We will remember Howard as a great person that made dreams true. Unfortunately I hadnt chance to meet Howard that was my dream but I'll remember him as a person that made this sport possible. We will never forget you.
Artur and family...

5/25/2008 4:02:02 PM


Germany - Bavaria

Thank`s for all, you have done.
My condolences to the Dill family.

Pumpkin Tom,
Germany - Bavaria

5/25/2008 4:36:52 PM


Windsor Maine

So sorry to hear.. Thoughts, prayers and condolences to the Dill family. Howards Good Works are like the waves of a Good Tsunami~ Continuing to Reverberate around the World.. One that Continues to Grow.. Touching the Lives of Untold Countless numbers.. With the Love, Joy and Awe that these Giant Pumpkins Bring to So Many..
once again, Howard.. ~ThanKs-You!~
Windsor, Maine

5/26/2008 8:11:36 AM



These are really sad news. My condolences to the Dill family.

5/26/2008 9:28:54 AM



Our condolences to the Dill family.

5/26/2008 10:39:01 AM


San Luis Obispo, Ca.

A legend!

5/26/2008 3:10:43 PM



Prayers to the Dill Family

5/26/2008 4:23:00 PM


Ray, North Dakota

He sounded like a great man to know. Those of you that called him friend are very lucky. My prayers to his family.

5/26/2008 8:12:58 PM


Watertown S.D.

Condolences to the family of a very great man
Greg Kurkowski

5/26/2008 9:55:00 PM


Santa Rosa, CA.

My prayers are with the Dill family. Rest in peace Howard.
Russ Pingrey & Family

5/26/2008 11:03:20 PM


South Harrison , N.J.

I bought seeds from Howard a few years back and he took the time to send along a letter saying to write him with any question for help and that he wished me luck. What a man! God bless howard and his family. -Willis

5/28/2008 7:46:51 AM


Omaha, NE (N41-15-42 )

Our thoughts and prayers to the Dill family.
--The Wickless Family

5/28/2008 9:57:22 AM


Chiana valley - Tuscany - Italy

esteem and respect for our founding father. bye Howard

5/28/2008 4:58:18 PM


Niagara Fall N.y 14304 Usa

Drake II, Niagara Falls N.Y.

I'am so sorry too hear the sad news about
Mr. Dill. My prayers are with the Dill family.
I'am so sorry for the loss of such a great
man,and know he's growing bigger ones in a
much bigger garden in Heaven. God Bless,
The Drake family.

5/28/2008 7:55:45 PM


Ankeny, Iowa

My deepest regards and prayers for Mr. Dill's family.
RIP Howard Dill.


5/28/2008 9:24:02 PM



My condolences to the Dill family. Mr Dill has pioneered a great hobby enjoyed by so many people. We are all indbted to him for the joy it brings.


5/29/2008 11:21:49 AM



I am very sorry to hear this news my deepest sympathy goes out to the Dill family

5/29/2008 3:05:10 PM



Condolences to the Dill Family. Been Growing 14 years of Dills offspring now, And just about lost my Father who is 83 two months ago.The Golden Years are trying on the individual as well as the family. But anyway, Howard inspired myself to grow a big one, and my good old dad loves to see the big one grown by myself and grandkids every year, as he always loves to see the families and children to give to around halloween ( handing out the goodies and bragging about the big pumpkin ). It is all about family and tradition, which without the seeds created by Howard, our family tradition of many years would not exist.Lots of friends and smiles of children have come from this GREAT PUMPKIN CREATION, and the legacy will go on forever in my book, as I continue to pass on the legacy of Howard to many folks, And the smiling faces of children are the reward that lasts forever . Thank You Howard !!! God Bless.......

6/2/2008 6:33:25 AM

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