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Friday, June 16, 2023 Matt D. Connecticut

Entry 23 of 100  
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Artificial Light

Not the best image of the plant, but two CMH lights are being used to help ensure the plant is receiving the full duration of light (photoperiod) of the day. There has been a lot of diffused light (clouds, smoke, haze) resulting in a daily delay of sun rise and an early sun set when it comes to light intensity (PAR).

As a result, these lights come on around 5am until only about 8am and then on again 6pm to 9pm. The goal is to ensure that during the natural lower light periods (which have been very low due to the light diffusion) when the sun is low in the horizon, the plant is still kept on the same photoperiod.

Since it is around the longest day of the year, if the plant perceives days are shortening, it may think it is closer to harvest time and the goal is to encourage growth and development… not ripening.

What made this easy is these are the same lights that were in the smaller cold-frame just raised up. The other advantage of adding more light intensity in this case in particular is the addition of carbon dioxide that is being supplemented. This environmental change allows plants to utilize more of the light.

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