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Sunday, April 23, 2023 Matt D. Connecticut

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Planting Day

There have been soil heating cables buried, three 100-watt heat lamps, thermostats, the CMH light installed and also the CO2 system has been tested and is fully functional… Now the seedling can be added;-)

The CMH grow light is on a timer and runs from 4am-9am and then from 6pm-10pm, the reason for this is to extend the day to an 18 hours of light (6 hours of dark) cycle. However, the times are carefully selected as the 4am start time is also providing heat which is often needed early in the season to reduce the chance of frost. Now, there are also three 100-watt reptile ceramic heaters on a thermostat, but since the day is going to be extended anyway, this is offering the greatest efficiency of the system.

For CO2 enrichment there is a photosensor on the sensor so it will only dose when the light is on and/or the sun is out. This is on a manual switch to turn off, when the cold-frame needs to be vented during the day. It is set for 900ppm and has not problem maintaining this level. Sometimes it will over shoot, but 1,200ppm is the theoretical economic maximum so there is no problem being a little over as it tends to settle in around 1,000ppm. There is a 50lb compressed bottle being used as the source which in this small space with a small plant will last about 45 days! (In-season that same bottle typically lasts 7-10 days.)

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