Place | Weight (lbs) | Grower Name | City | State/Prov | Country | Seed (Mother) | Pollinator (Father) | OTT | Est. Weight | Pct. Chart |
1 | 2,210.00 | Jacobus Family | Soldiers Grove | Wisconsin | United States | 2520 Schmit | 2702 Cutupri | 478.0 | 2,183.00 | 1.0 | 2 | 1,989.50 | Conway, Tanner | Austin | Minnesota | United States | 2356 Mendi | 1747 Handy | 428.5 | 1,685.00 | 18.0 | 3 | 1,956.00 | Bogie, Alexander | Ham Lake | Minnesota | United States | 1321 Bogie | 1940 Urena | 461.0 | 2,009.00 | -3.0 | 4 | 1,872.00 | Johnson, Jake | Benson | Minnesota | United States | 1395 Johnson | 1852.5 Qualley | 461.0 | 2,009.00 | -7.0 | 5 | 1,794.50 | Klema & Solberg, Wade & J.J. | Gonvick | Minnesota | United States | 2350 Tiger King | Self | 469.0 | 2,091.00 | -14.0 | 6 | 1,772.00 | Martin, Glen & Margaret | Kaukauna | Wisconsin | United States | 2520 Schmit | 2112 Skinner | 448.0 | 1,878.00 | -6.0 | 7 | 1,755.50 | Magnuson & Schramel, James & Lisa | | Minnesota | United States | 2376 Bayuk | Open | 434.0 | 1,739.00 | 1.0 | 8 | 1,732.00 | Leer, Shannon | Whitehall | Wisconsin | United States | 1878.5 Leer | Self | 444.0 | 1,838.00 | -6.0 | 9 | 1,654.00 | Midthun, Pete | New Richmond | Wisconsin | United States | 2261 Schmidt | Self | 425.0 | 1,650.00 | 0.0 | EXH | 1,593.00 | Midthun, Pete | New Richmand | Wisconsin | United States | 2350 Gienger | Self | 441.0 | 1,808.00 | -12.0 | 10 | 1,546.50 | Klinger, Jonathan | Byron | Minnesota | United States | 2350 Gienger | Self | 427.0 | 1,670.00 | -7.0 | 11 | 1,513.00 | Thompson, Dan | Sarona | Wisconsin | United States | 1501 Vanderweilen | 2002 Jacobus | 409.0 | 1,496.00 | 1.0 | 12 | 1,451.00 | Bernstrom, Charlie | Lancaster | Minnesota | United States | 1553 Bernstrom | Self | 396.0 | 1,375.00 | 6.0 | 13 | 1,439.00 | Gibson, Jerry | Sturgeon Lake | Minnesota | United States | 1990.5 Bernsorm | Self | 320.5 | 758.00 | 90.0 | 14 | 1,432.00 | Bongers, Paul | Lonsdale | Minnesota | United States | 1959 St. Laurent | 2241 Vangeel | 394.0 | 1,357.00 | 6.0 | 15 | 1,313.00 | Jacobus, Quinn | Soldiers Grove | Wisconsin | United States | 1971.5 Barlow | 2702.9 Cutrupi | 382.0 | 1,248.00 | 5.0 | 16 | 1,283.00 | Lauritzen, Randy & Amy | Chippewa Falls | Wisconsin | United States | 1674 Holland | Self | 377.0 | 1,204.00 | 7.0 | 16 | 1,283.00 | Althoff, Ryan | | South Dakota | United States | 1990.5 Bernstrom | Self | 381.0 | 1,240.00 | 3.0 | 18 | 1,259.00 | Warren, Chris | Superior | Wisconsin | United States | 1624.5 Connolly | Self | 386.5 | 1,289.00 | -2.0 | 19 | 1,250.50 | Jacobson, Niles | Stewartville | Minnesota | United States | 1883 Bayuk | Self | 389.8 | 1,318.00 | -5.0 | 20 | 1,222.00 | Morgan, Joe | St. Anthony | Minnesota | United States | 1254 Brown | | 383.5 | 1,262.00 | -3.0 | 21 | 1,194.00 | Peterson, Dan | Sturgeon Lake | Minnesota | United States | 1866 Cleveland | Self | 366.0 | 1,110.00 | 8.0 | 22 | 1,174.50 | Bierle, Craig | Plymouth | Minnesota | United States | 1935 Ford | 1885.5 Werner | 376.0 | 1,196.00 | -2.0 | 23 | 1,160.00 | Turner, Brian | Spring Valley | Wisconsin | United States | 1778.5 Ruthruff | 1279 Clementz | 369.0 | 1,135.00 | 2.0 | 24 | 1,107.00 | Amundson, Chris | | Minnesota | United States | 1480 Johnson | Self | 364.0 | 1,093.00 | 1.0 | 25 | 976.00 | Anderson, Bev | Center City | Minnesota | United States | 1540.5 Anderson | Self | 352.5 | 998.00 | -2.0 | 26 | 971.50 | Molander & Bauch, Harold & Clint | Madison | Wisconsin | United States | 2183 Mendi | 2030 Kisamore | 375.0 | 1,187.00 | -18.0 | 27 | 789.50 | Godeen, Kevin | Stacy | Minnesota | United States | 2350 Gienger | Open | 323.5 | 779.00 | 1.0 | 28 | 744.50 | Klodd & Weisenhorn, Univ. of MN Ext. | Chaska | Minnesota | United States | 1540.5 Anderson | Self | 314.5 | 717.00 | 4.0 | 29 | 706.50 | Engel, Shannon | Menomonie | Wisconsin | United States | 2520 Schmit | 1072 Engle | 335.0 | 863.00 | -18.0 | 30 | 691.00 | Richard, David | Anoka | Minnesota | United States | 1454 Engle | Self | 322.5 | 772.00 | -10.0 | 31 | 672.50 | Feuk, Jeremy | Blaine | Minnesota | United States | | | 321.0 | 762.00 | -12.0 | EXH | 634.50 | Eisinger, Darin | Comstock | Minnesota | United States | 704 Ailts | Self | 303.8 | 647.00 | -2.0 | 32 | 626.50 | LeClair, Mark and Jeff | ST. Paul | Minnesota | United States | Club Seed | Self | 308.0 | 674.00 | -7.0 | 33 | 546.50 | Eisinger, Darin | Comstock | Minnesota | United States | 692 Ailits | Self | 323.0 | 776.00 | -30.0 | 34 | 489.50 | West, Jennifer | Maple Grove | Minnesota | United States | 1254 Brown | 1846 Qualley | 289.0 | 557.00 | -12.0 | 35 | 273.00 | Schmitz, Heather | Circle Pines | Minnesota | United States | 1254 Brown | Open | 225.5 | 265.00 | 3.0 | 36 | 129.50 | Turner, Brian | Spring Valley | Wisconsin | United States | 177 Paul | Open | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 37 | 123.50 | West, Charlette | Maple Grove | Minnesota | United States | 1846 Qualley | Open | 180.0 | 137.00 | -10.0 | 38 | 80.50 | Peine, Greg | | Minnesota | United States | 2356 Mendi | Self | 149.5 | 82.00 | -2.0 | 40 Entries.
(2 were exhibition only.)