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Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Welterweights, Wa
Entry 71 of 94 |
This is some old bushel gourd data but it includes Steve's WR... You can see what an outlier it is. The Sjordin marrow and Baggs field pumpkin are approximately similar in how far removed they are from the rest of the pack. If the same thing happened in the AG world, (and it could) it would be like: bam, a 3,333 lb AG comes out of nowhere. And speaking of outliers, Dan's 17 lb tomato is the most extreme of them all.
I wanted to learn something from this data but there's not much to learn other than to visualize that there must be very unique circumstances that go in to creating these outliers. I'm curious what those are. There may be commonalities between how these outliers arise. Its weird to think about the difference between "what do I need to do to get very good results" vs "what do I need to do to get an extreme outlier".