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Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Big Kahuna 26
Ontario, Canada.
Entry 70 of 70 |
LanTerra Update. Your all invited.... Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario > Patch Tour (GVGO) and local Garden Tour here on August 24th. Theme - "Technicolor Dreamcoat" come and enjoy the coat of many colors! Our garden is filled with "Proven Winners" PW flowers and Giant everything. All fully moron treated.
Squmpkin is Bright Orange, Twix Left 954* Landry x 1500* Tobeck is all that remains. Day 40 129 + 84 + 80 = 293 or 581 Pounds. LanTerra Pumpkin & Patch and all is sold. Moving soon to Windsor, Ontario at LanTerra, South West . The Twix factories have been sold. Closing up LanTerra West by months end.