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Nick Name
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
Lymington UK
Entry 60 of 197 |
And the photo. Nitrogen is by far the hardest element to get right and it doesn’t always reflect in the size of the leaves. The leaves on this plant have been naturally big just like the 2907.
The clear way to tell is by looking at the side vines.
If they are running flat on the soil perhaps more Nitrogen is needed and if they are bolt upright you are going to have a problem burying them.
Leaf samples really don’t help because they nearly always tell you that they are overdosed with Nitrogen even at the time of sending you feel that the leaves look a bit blue in colour.
Personally the way to go is to experiment and build up a picture in your head for yourself.
We always use Calcium Nitrate because we always want to improve on the Calcium.
It always goes through the drip tube and we expect to see a change within 24hrs
We normally put on about 10 ozs per patch but I would drop that down to 5 ozs until you can work out what works for your soil.
Remember, you can’t take it off.