Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, April 29, 2024
Big Kahuna 26
Ontario, Canada.
Entry 15 of 70 |
LanTerra Update. In the ground today date was late due to poor starts and cool weather. Even though North winds off Lake Huron kept the chill on pumpkin the patch progress has continued. The 945* Landry 23 was the pure winner. It garnered the top planting spot and will hit lead off to the scales. Back ups & pollinators are 1500* Toebeck, 945 Landry Sib, 1123* Sproule & 1035* MacKenzie. One 1500* failed to germinate. Pictured for memories is my fathers old trowel. It’s likely 80 years old. We used it often in the garden. A young boy remembers digging and scooping handfuls of compressed, encrusted peat moss for gardens many rows and laying our homes foundation bricks with it.