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12 Entries.
Wednesday, July 24
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Tuesday, September 24
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To all Giant Pumpkin, Long Gourd, Field Pumpkin, Watermelon, Tomato, Bushel Gourd and Marrow growers, friends, and family. The last 22 years have been a wonderful time and I would not change a single day. I have experienced all sorts of ups and downs in our hobby. But it is time for me to take more care of myself, Martina, and Charlie. All three of us are getting older, Charlie (our Labrador) will be 12 this year.
I retired from working 11 years ago and for the first 6 years after that our hobby felt the same, a hobby. I achieved PB 1302 and thought I figured it out. However, in the last 5 years I have not achieved the results that I expected for myself. The hobby became work and I slowly lost joy.
The decision not to move forward is very painful, but I know I must do it now, quickly, and cleanly, like pulling off a Band-Aid.
I have a lot of respect for all of you, I know how much work and dedication goes into mastering our hobby.
I hope that one day our paths will cross and we can sit down with a cold beer and talk about the good old days.
The Great Pumpkin Commenwealth is one of the best organizations I've ever worked with as a Site Coordinator, since the days I brought a first GPC event to Germany, many years ago. I wish you the best of luck in the future. You have a difficult job, you deserve the respect and admiration of all growers.
I wish you all the best and hope that your vegetables and fruits are heavy.
I am only going to mention 3 people that had the biggest influence for me.
Dave Stelts, I asked him per e-mail what can I do to be a better grower, and he said have a patch tour at your patch and take advice from other growers. I did exactly that, had the very first international patch tour in Europe and 2 years later a new personal best. “Got Stelts?”
The second person is Ken Desrosier. What can I say. I was welcomed into his community with open arms. At that time, I spent more hours in on-line chat and auctions than I spent with my family. I also was very critical about certain things that today are so minor, however forced Ken to work hard deleting some of my posts. Sorry Ken, I only wanted an equal playing field for all, guess it is hard to hear my voice via a text post. I always only wanted the best, for all. Thank you for being so kind.
And third is Bart Toftness. The 707 Toftness was the first good seed I ever had, he was generous, shared knowledge and invited me with open arms. Team Pumpkin for me was a way for every single person that ever wanted to grow Great Pumpkins to have the chance, get free seeds, knowledge, and support. Thank you, Bart.
With great respect,
Owen Olsen
Thursday, October 3
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Remember when 1000 lbS was a accomplishment? I have never seen so many 2000+ pumpkins in one year. The big 2-3 weeks are yet to come. GPC jackets are going to be given out left and right, international, national and local. You SOBs are fantastic. People that have zero idea do not understand the work you have put into this endeavor. I have decided to give the GPC 2000 dollars to help cover the costs of all the jackets, this is close to how much I have won the last 22 years. Congrats to all. What a wonderful way to go. GPC, send me a paypal address or bank info to send the money. I am adding an additional 1000 bucks for a WR at the end of the season.
Saturday, October 5
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So the mystery of how my pumpkin went 54% heavy has been solved. Retrieved seeds today, what a battle. The cavity was very small, the walls very thick.
This was estimated at 599 lbs and weighed 858.9 lbs.
The seed was a 2131 Wuersching. I did not have any males the day prior to when I knew it would open,so Road Trip! Matthias Wuersching was also growing his 2131 and had males available. 150 miles and a few hours later I had the males at home. The next day did the pollination. So it is a 2131 x Sib. Thanks Matthias. His 2131 plant produced the 2124.2 Wuersching 24 that went 13% heavy.
Obviously the genetics are in my seed, but I won't be growing it next year.:(
If anyone is interested, even as a backup plant shoot me an email at giantsquash@gmail.com. I do not want SASBPs or money, just a email with your intentions and I will send you seeds at no cost. For the very newest of growers this is a prime chance of getting into the hobby at low cost and getting very good genetics.
Saturday, October 5
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Here is my pumpkin, a beautiful orange.
It is being sculptured by a professional. I should have a picture of the finished sculpture tonight. BTW this is being sculptured by Joroen van de Vlag, an artist from Holland and working out of Switzlerland.
Saturday, October 5
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Thanks Joeren!
Sunday, October 6
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Photo Credit Joroen van de Vlag
Monday, October 7
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I have always had help from our village farmers loading my pumpkins the last 22 years because I did not have a tractor. About 10 years ago I made a goal to buy a tractor and load my pumpkin with it. Note, I have never operated a tractor in my life! It took 9 years but I finally found one I had to have.
In November 2023 I found a 1968, John Deere 2020 that was 90% restored. The motor and hydraulics worked (small leaks, more like sweating) and decided to buy it. It arrived per transport in December 2023 and I was in seventh heaven.
Over the next months I finished the restoration, had it inspected and got a street worthy certification which allowed me to get license plates and insurance.
On Sunday's from Spring 2024 till pumpkin harvesting I would take it out for a ride around the village for 30 minutes or so, teaching myself how to shift gears, practice with the differential and the front loader. You will not see those videos...LOL
Well, long story short, I used it to load my pumpkin. If you have never done this before, go for it! So satisfying it does not matter how big your AG is.
The season, my last, is over. Now it sits under my carport and will be used for Sunday drives, because I can.
Monday, October 7
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My Johnny, license plate included.
Thursday, October 17
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This picture was taken with a camera, image was scanned to make a file I could upload to my diary. Life was so simple then...LOL
Thursday, October 17
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This picture was taken 22 years later with a cell phone. Uploaded directly after the picture taken. Amazing.
Monday, December 9
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On 3 October I decided to send the GPC $2000 to help off set the cost for green jackets as it is obvious many more are being grown and wanted to support our community, I kept that promise, I also offered $1000 to support a new WR unfortunately that was missed by about 18 lbs. I still have that money set aside. I will not be growing AGs in 2025, I retired...to early it became obvious when I sent my seeds out this year that this could be the last time. I am still going to sit 2025 out, I need a break. However I can already taste 2026. I am itching, but I will wait.
I will send the GPC the $1000 for their use as needed to grow our hobby as they feel if I can get seeds without me having to send a SASBP to the growers willing to meet this challenge. At least 1 of the seeds must be over 2500 pounds.
Seeds to Germany do not require anything special, no certificate.
So, I hope my challenge will be accepted but i am a realist if it is not so is life. I will continue to support the GPC regardless.
I am not looking for anything special. I only want to support our hobby.
Giantsquash@gmail.com for address info.