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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 142 Entries.
Friday, February 23 View Page
With Glenn and Miss Canada signaling the 2024 season is off to the races, it’s time to officially begin the new season. It has been fun to check out the seed auctions and help support a club here and there but it’s getting closer to being able to play in the patch. Mother Nature is trying hard to hold on to winter with another couple inches of snow last night but at least I can follow along with Florida Tim as he now has his own challenge to try and beat his own State record from last year. His cover crop is looking nice and green.
Friday, February 23 View Page
He had good luck with my 839 last year so it is in his potential lineup again this season. Plants are in his cold frame.
Friday, February 23 View Page
Now the fun begins. 4 candidates in the ground and the strongest will survive.
Friday, February 23 View Page
Tim started 4 plants. One of my 839’s , two other of mine the 977 and 1321 from last year and one of Kurt Herman’s 1400 pound plus pumpkins. Tim has thinned down to two with the 839 and 977 getting the nod so far. The weather in Florida is looking good now so these vines should start to take off.
Friday, February 23 View Page
Tim has work to do to top his Beauty from last year. That was one pretty pumpkin. I love the picture of a pumpkin and palm tree.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
I’m waiting for my weekly update from Florida Tim. I know he had to make a tough decision and get down to one plant. He went with my 977 this year. (The 839 x 2365 wolf ). It will be fun to watch.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
The plant needed room and it wants to stretch out.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
Hey I saw this on the random diary photo page. Now that was a Green Squash.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
The Swedish record back in the day. The 767 Johansson 2006.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
It’s a slow time in the pumpkin world around here. I have picked up a seed or two at an auction and I am thinking about the growing season. What can I do to improve my results this year. I was lucky last year to grab Bravo in the Tomato Challenge draft. Hell we were soooooo close to victory. If Westham had not gotten skunked and fell victim to rats again we could have taken the prize. Just one entry…. Anything and the crown could have been ours. Damn rats.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
I see everyone is getting their awards from the Zeke Challenge and it does sting a bit . I guess old Porkchop the big softy realized the Mastermaters had victory in our grasps. I got this package in the mail as a consolation prize, it was a nice gesture. I think. Thanks Chop.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
I think that might have been for the Cockscomb seeds I grew last year that he sent. They are a beautiful flower and will plant it again.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
Curly is all set in his pumpkin suit but it’s not spring yet. Might as well enjoy the fire Curly. We will be in the garden soon
Saturday, March 2 View Page
We can dream about pumpkins though. I found this pic from John Roba’s family farm from last year. I had sent him a bag of mixed seeds to plant. He had a pumpkin fall festival of some sort and wanted to grow some to display and carve . I miss the weigh off that he held there for a couple of years. It was a perfect venue and he was attracting some of the top growers.
Monday, March 4 View Page
Florida Tim’s Sunday update on the 977. It looks like he has some nice looking cover crop to mow under.
Monday, March 4 View Page
It won’t be long now as he spied the first male flowers blooming.
Monday, March 4 View Page
The 977 is starting to run.
Wednesday, March 6 View Page
Tim had a close call in his Florida patch. The enclosure was narrowly missed by a queen palm tree branch during a recent rain storm. I can’t say I have ever had a close call with a palm tree here in PA. He has a female swelling and should be open in a few days and another baby showing on the tip of the main of the 977 .
Monday, March 11 View Page
Tim decided to extend his greenhouse. He said it’s a combination of Beverly Hillbillies and Sanford and Son. Deck screws, duct tape and a electric stapler does the job.
Monday, March 11 View Page
The 977 has a female ready to open any day now so hoping the timing will be right for a male flower to participate at the party.
Monday, March 11 View Page
How about a little of that Florida Sunshine miss 977. ??????
Monday, March 18 View Page
I checked in with Tim to see how the Florida sunshine is treating the 977. It looks like the plant is picking up steam. The secondary’s are closing in on the edge of the garden. Tim was going to clean things up and start to terminate a few things.
Monday, March 18 View Page
The plant looks great with some nice leaf color.
Monday, March 18 View Page
Not sure what to call Tim’s expandable greenhouse but it seems to be working for him.
Monday, March 18 View Page
Tim had a second pollination on the main vine.
Monday, March 18 View Page
And the good news is the first pollination is definitely swelling. Quite the long stem on the young lady as well.
Monday, March 18 View Page
Tim’s backyard garden is lit up at night. Looking good Tim. Crack open a cold one and enjoy it.
Wednesday, March 27 View Page
The calendar says spring but old man winter is still lurking around these parts of Pennsylvania. The ice on the trees tells the story from last weekends ice storm. It looked pretty but come on now. Pumpkin season is around the corner.
Wednesday, March 27 View Page
There is better news for Tim’s Florida patch the first pollination on the 977 is swelling and he has a backup hiding in there as well. It’s GROW time in the Sunshine State.
Wednesday, April 3 View Page
We are getting a monsoon here in northeastern Pa. I guess it’s better now than when the plants are in the ground. I got an update from Tim who is enjoying some better pumpkin growing weather in Florida. Day 21 and the pumpkin is rolling along with a 69” circ. Ok Tim I see #2 in the background. Time to cut the cord on that one.
Thursday, April 4 View Page
That is my pumpkin patch this morning. Thank you Mother. Nature for the fresh load of Perlite. Seed starting and patch prep is right around the corner. An early start is challenging in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Saturday, April 6 View Page
Saturday, April 6 View Page
The 977 is taking shape.
Saturday, April 6 View Page
She is looking like the Orange color is going to come through.
Saturday, April 6 View Page
Tim has his work cut out for him to top his state record 1039. It was a good looking specimen off of the 839 sandercock.
Saturday, April 6 View Page
Tim said this years 977 is in the same location as last years pumpkin. Good luck Tim. Crossing the 2365 wolf into the 839 can only be a good thing. It will be fun to watch.
Sunday, April 7 View Page
Sunday and measuring day for Tim. Day 26. 91-59-59. Not bad! It’s GROW time now !!
Sunday, April 7 View Page
Our PA weather is all screwed up. I saw this guy crawling around yesterday. What is he doing out this time of year ?
Wednesday, April 10 View Page
Atta boy Tim! We pumpkin growers know how to multi task. ! Watering, having a beer and admiring the fruit of your labor ! It’s a fun stage of the season as it’s day 29 and the pumpkin is just beginning to kick it into gear.
Monday, April 15 View Page
Tim is settling in with some good growth and past the 30 day mark.
Monday, April 15 View Page
My patch is to wet to work at the moment. It’s seed starting time for me at the end of this week. I’m hoping things dry out soon.
Friday, April 19 View Page
I put on my Heavy Hitch ripper toy that I picked up to help sub soil the patch some. It’s getting close to planting time. The BX was fun to play on.
Friday, April 19 View Page
We are getting somewhere now. I sprinkled a few amendments on and am now waiting for a couple dry days to get a tilling done.
Friday, April 19 View Page
Tim is reporting his 977 is dead even number wise at day 36 with last years state record. Pedal down Tim !!
Friday, April 19 View Page
Ifs all about the lighting and what time of day you take the photos. Can see some orange wanting to come through in this shot.
Friday, April 19 View Page
My seeds are soaking. It is a tough decision with all of the great seeds out there that generous growers have shared. Plus throw in some seed auctions, club giveaways, the seed exchange and wanting to plant some of your own in a limited space and it’s easy to see how it becomes a daunting task to choose just a few. The garlic is on its way now let the sun start to shine and get this pumpkin season going.
Monday, April 22 View Page
Babies being born, some breaking soil in less than 3 days.
Monday, April 22 View Page
Tim had another good week. I like his expandable greenhouse. It seems to be working for him.
Monday, April 22 View Page
The 977 is filling up her spot
Monday, April 22 View Page
The 977 is now over 500 pounds. Tim is like a dog chasing his own tail as he is trying to pass his own State Record. Keep it going Tim !
Monday, April 22 View Page
Happy Birthday to me. I’m gonna experiment with a little drip this year.
Monday, April 22 View Page
Val’s entry for wife of the year ! Thanks Val, and a great choice. We will have some fun. Love you.
Sunday, April 28 View Page
It’s Sunday fun day and PA hit 80 today. Let’s get moving. Ned.
Sunday, April 28 View Page
Patch tilled and huts in place. I should really do only 3 but squeezing in an extra again. It will give me options anyway.
Sunday, April 28 View Page
Sunday is Florida Tim’s measuring day and the 977 is still rolling along albeit some leaves getting beat up a bit. The golden girl had a consistent week of growth and over 700 now. Let’s go Tim !!
Sunday, April 28 View Page
I am hoping the PA weather continues this warm stretch. I will get the plants in the ground this week. Things are blooming here and my Asian pear tree is on fire. No more frosts please.
Monday, April 29 View Page
My seedlings never looked so good. The new LED grow light kept them stocky this year. Some for my patch, some for Dyberry patch Andy, some for local buddy Tom and we are off to the races.
Tuesday, May 7 View Page
I missed the Sunday measuring day with Tim. He harvested his state record last year on May 6 th. He is measuring close to his last years number on day 54 with only a 30 pound difference so the goal is to try and squeeze out a few more days this year. The 977 seems to be responding with a solid 110 pound gain for the week. The golden girl is now closing in on the 850 mark. Let’s see if she can soak up some more Florida sunshine and set a new record. She is glowing !
Monday, May 13 View Page
Not much to report in my home patch. We have had a cold stretch of weather and too much rain. My plants are in their mini shelters with some lights on to take the chill off. We can use for Mother Nature to turn the heat up a bit.
Monday, May 13 View Page
My plants are all looking about the same. Here is my 839 which is in the same spot that I got my PB last year.
Monday, May 13 View Page
Pennsylvania spring weather can be challenging. I got a sad report from Bravo, my fellow PA tomato partner and current State record holder that strong winds had wiped out his new structures and plants. This gardening can be a heart breaking hobby.
Monday, May 13 View Page
Florida Tim also reports he has weather challenges. It is hot and humid and after an evening of a good watering the following day heat pretty much fried the leaves on a section past the pumpkin. The 977 is measuring around 900 pounds now and he was hoping to see if he can eke out a few more weeks as his state record is 1039.
Monday, May 13 View Page
The 977 has grown a nice looking Florida pumpkin. She may have to weigh heavy to set a new State record.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
I got a report from Tim on his Florida pumpkin project. The severe weather had rolled in and it was time to pick his baby. The plant was pretty beat up so let’s get it out of the patch.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Tim had some of his same lifting crew from last year and had saved his home made lifting ring.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
It was like he had done this before.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
A pretty smooth operation.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Wheeeew. Bottom looking flat and solid !!
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
In the truck she goes and off to get a weight. You don’t see many Giant Pumpkins in the back of the truck on the West Coast of Florida.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
On to the Killer Bait shop and some certified scales. Will she challenge Tims state record from last year. We need 1039 to top that !
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
We shall see, she is a pretty one.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Ahhhh. A great pumpkin Tim. Growing in Florida is a big challenge. The extreme temps and a shorter season isn’t easy. In the end the final number was 847 and Tim is thrilled with the number! She is now resting comfortably at the Swordfish Tiki Bar in Cortez and on display for all to enjoy ! Big pumpkins attract a crowd no matter where you are. Congrats Tim and thanks for sharing your journey ! Val and I will be down in November to celebrate. Beers around at the Tiki Bar! We will see you then.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Back at the home patch the weather has suddenly turned summer like. I better get my butt in gear. The plants have been snug in their cold frames and starting to vine out. But as crap happens as I checked my best plant on my 839 I noticed some wilting leaves that I couldn’t figure out. It had a pretty good kink in the stem but didn’t figure that was the cause. So I brushed some soil away from the stump and it didn’t take long to find the problem. The whole thing was about severed. I am still not sure what was the cause.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
I pulled it apart looking for some corn maggots but didn’t see any. I had poured a light drench at planting time to take care of them but I am assuming that’s what it was even though I didn’t see any in the plant but the roots were not attached at all, and pretty much non existent . Bummer ! So a root bound back up has gone in and I had another 839 and one of my 1321’s so we shall see how this plays out. I may give the 150 sq ft thing a try with it. At least I can let the neighboring plant take up more of the patch which I should probably have done in the first place. I tend to squeeze in to many plants and not let them reach their full potential.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
The new plants are small , but their is still time to grow a nice pumpkin
Thursday, June 6 View Page
I haven’t posted in a while so I better put something on. In looking at other years it looks like I am about at the same pace or a couple of the plants may be a little better. Andy box grew a nice orange monster off of my 421 so I decided to give it a run. It’s the 1552 Young x 1885 Werner
Thursday, June 6 View Page
And I received a seed in exchange from Adam Toboyek and I liked the cross on his 1864; (1977 Rea x 2006 Wolf), so in the patch it went.
Thursday, June 6 View Page
And I needed something with huge orange potential so a seed from Sir Karl and his 2198; (2365 Wolf x 2006 Wolf); germinated so in the patch it went. With the demise of my first round 839 this plant now has free roam to take up a large chunk of real estate. I am expecting big things if the moons line up and I can get it to the finish line.
Thursday, June 6 View Page
I have tomatoes to get in and I need to formulate a plan to up my game. Pressure on after being teamed up with Cindy and Ole Porky. Little old Ned with two world champions, it should be a fun season on the Zeke Tomato Challenge. I’m feeling like Cindy has just joined the Beverly Hillbillies, Pork and I better behave ! I am trying another year of the straw bale garden and it is taking off now. I am not sure if economically it’s worth it but with no weeding and close to the house it’s a fun project.
Monday, June 17 View Page
We have a heat wave here as does most of the country. I have dragged my feet on trying the drip tape system but better get it out and see what I can come up with it’s getting dry. My pumpkin plants are looking good but will need to keep them watered. I actually had a couple pollinations this morning on my 2198 Haist plant and the 1864 Toboyek. I only had one male for each one so I am not really hopeful. This heat won’t help matters either. Here is the Haist.
Monday, June 17 View Page
And the 1864 Toboyek with weed block for my first attempt ever.
Monday, June 17 View Page
My 421 had a Father’s Day pollination but the plant could use a bit more size to it. These were my earliest pollinations ever !
Monday, June 17 View Page
Speaking of Father’s Day our Curly Fry got the news that his gal Angel gave him a family that afternoon. 8 healthy Doodles.
Monday, June 17 View Page
Curly is ecstatic, he loves his Angel !
Monday, June 17 View Page
Pressure is on to perform for our team with the tomato challenge. If one keeps doing the same ole thing season after season you most likely will get the same results. My pb of 5.53 needs to be improved this year and last year 4.22 was the best I could do. So a winter of watching you Tube and catching Dans methods got me to thinking. Why not give it a try. I am not opposed to trying something new. The one side of my patch get some afternoon shade so that’s where I will try the trellis system and learn how to string them up with the 2 leader approach. I found the spot and will fire up the BX and till a strip
Monday, June 17 View Page
Now to add some good compost and some peat I had along with , some minerals Dan recommended and things started to shape up.
Monday, June 17 View Page
Ok I’m not a great carpenter so back to YouTube and a search found a trellis to make you jealous. 8 ft T posts. PVC-T- top piece and some 10 foot sections of conduit connected and boom that’s it. Hey I can do that. Plants will line the center and I will have to learn how to string them up. I can do this.
Monday, June 17 View Page
Not bad at all. I will need to add some watering system and maybe some mulch and do my best to keep the creatures out and I will be hoping for some good results. I have some LaRue, Faust , Johnson, Tobeck, Jolivette and Sutherland genetics that should all do well. It won’t be the seeds fault if I don’t get a PB. Oh yeah I have a few of my seeds as well as a Big Wixom and that 6.55 Rodebaugh or two that I am throwing my hat in for Docs challenge. The plants went in small and are starting to grow now with these warm temps. Mama always told me Jesus loves me so let’s see if he will help me grow some big maters. ??. I’m not sure what to expect but ready or not here I go ! It should be a fun ride.
Monday, June 17 View Page
Just for a little extra protection I did plant some, cattle fence style!
Monday, June 17 View Page
And a few 6 foot T posts, just in case my 2 leader approach is a bust.
Monday, June 17 View Page
Here ya go Doc! Here is one of your 6.55’s. Let’s Groooowwwww! Show me the MONEY :)
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
I am hoping my plants survived the recent weather extremes. It was mid 90’s for 7 days and some leaves definitely got cooked. I had some pollinations during that stretch so the jury is still out if they have been successful. Overall my patch is looking pretty good.
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
These June pollination attempts have been the earliest I have ever had. The 1864 Toboyek has been a beast of a plant and I am anxious to see the bright orange pumpkins it should produce.
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
My tomato project is in full swing with the string in place and the plants are starting to thicken up and are growing.
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
I put some straw down as mulch when the temps hit 90. I’m winging it this year. 2 of my biggest plants so far are the 7.4 Johnson, the 7.98 LaRue and 8.0 Faust . Blossoms should be out any time now. Let’s Grooowwwww!
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
40 mile an hour winds yesterday had the pumpkin plants in jeopardy so I added a little protection for the tomatoes with the silt fence. So far it looks like they all survived.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
The warm weather and intermittent rain storms have the patch popping. The 1864 Toboyek continues to be a beast.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
I’m liking the shape of the young fruit that have been popping up. I have to decide on the keeper soon. It’s great to have June pollinations.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
My 421 plant is going to produce a nice orange pumpkin. It’s one of my smaller plants at the moment. It’s gonna be hard to cut off this early pollination as it’s only about 8 feet out or less. But I have done crazy things before. I love the shape and color of this one.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
My tomato trellis ally is also popping!
Sunday, June 30 View Page
Blossoms are starting to appear. Let the fun begin !
Sunday, June 30 View Page
The plants on the T posts are also looking good.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
I have 2, 6.55 Rodebaughs going. One on the trellis and one on a post for “the win Docs money contest “. Open up that wallet Doc !
Sunday, June 30 View Page
Curly Fry is in his first year of patch etiquette. So far so good ! He is checking out the 2198 Haist plant.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
I am hoping I can get the plants to fill in all of the patch this year. Last but not least is a very late 839 of mine. There is still plenty of time to grow a nice pumpkin.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
Hell I even have a couple growing in honor of my MasterMater team member from last year. Bravo had a tough run this spring but I have a feeling he is still gonna grow some monster maters this year. A Pennsylvania state record in his freshman year was pretty impressive. I have a lot of those Johnson seeds in my patch this year. I’m giving his style a shot. These 2 are “In the Bag” ??
Sunday, June 30 View Page
Ok enough for today. Let’s go Maggie !
Saturday, July 6 View Page
The patch is filling in nicely and I have some good sized plants this year.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
I hate to cull my biggest pumpkin but I was never intending to go with it but it just kept growing. The 1864 early pollination had to go.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
Instead I have a nice one pollinated with a nice curve all set up and it will be a perfect location to watch it from our front porch. Let’s hope it doesn’t abort in this heat wave.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
On my 421 I did just the opposite. I was going to cull the early pollination as it is less than 10 ft out but the later pollination farther out did not take and this girl is to pretty to not roll with it. It is my earliest pollination ever.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
She is a smaller plant but packing on some pounds now. Its 1552 young x 1885 werner genetics will make a bright orange pumpkin.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
Karl’s 2198 just may be my biggest plant so I am hoping for big results.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
I’m all in with this one and another June pollination for me.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
Last but not least is my young 839 plant. Curly is checking out to see what’s in there.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
A July 5 pollination so fingers crossed it takes. I have enough space set aside for it so plenty of time for a nice pumpkin. I crossed it with the 1864 Toboyek to throw some more orange into it.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
My straw bale garden is also banging in this weather.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
And flowers are blooming everywhere.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
And the Maters are growing as well with blossoms appearing. I’m learning as I go on how to string these up a la Dans teachings.
Saturday, July 6 View Page
The tomato challenge will start to get exciting soon. I’m hoping I can pull my weight and hopefully a PB to the scale this year. It’s GROW TIME !
Tuesday, July 9 View Page
Heat waves are not a pumpkin growers friend.
Tuesday, July 9 View Page
Not feeling very good about the new pollination on the 839.
Wednesday, July 10 View Page
Batten down the hatches East Coast the storm is headed our way. Tornado warnings in our area at the moment with heavy rain on the way. Before I covered up my golden girl on the 421 for the night I had time for a good pic and my first measurement of the year. Pretty good for Ned standards. At day 24 She is 91 55 58. I’m happy with those numbers on my earliest pollination ever. Now just rest and relax during the storm and I will see you in the morning.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
A sad day for America no matter what side of the fence you are on ! We are living in a dark era at the moment. Come on people we can be better than this.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
I think I will get back to measuring on Sundays. We are in the beginning of another heat wave so I need to get the water going a little more. I have been hand watering at the moment and it’s hard to keep up. It is day 20 for the 1864 Toboyek and she is looking good.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
It’s day 22 for the 2198 Haist and I really am happy with the growth on this one which is my biggest plant. 82 inch circumference at the moment. . The pumpkin is ramping up now and I think will end up being my biggest pumpkin. We shall see if the moons line up and it is meant to be.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
My 421 is at day 28 and is enjoying the warm temps. I think the blossom could end up doing a grow over. For now she has the gas pedal down snd has a 109 circumference and the ott is 319 pounds. Very good for Ned standards on this date.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
I know a few tomato blossoms didn’t survive the last heat wave so hoping the current megas can survive. The plants are growing.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
There are a few first truss maters developing.
Sunday, July 14 View Page
Let’s Goooooooo
Friday, July 19 View Page
It’s not Sunday measuring day but the weather is great so I had to take a peak at the 421. Glory be to God, she looks brilliant in the sunshine ??.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Weekend measuring and so far so good. The 1864 Toboyek is at day 26 and has a circ of 91.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
The 2198 continues to march on and looking like it’s going to have some nice orange color to her. At day 28 she has a circ of 108 and an estimated weight of 275 pounds.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
The 421 continues to cruise along at a steady 30 pounds a day pace. At day 34 she blown past her mommas weight and is certainly the earliest I ever had a pumpkin hit the 500 pound estimated mark.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
The tomatoes are stretching up their strings and I have a few first truss tomatoes and several megas starting to show up on the 2nd and 3rd truss. I like the air flow with the trellis system.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Tomatoes are just starting to emerge.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Let’s groooowwww.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
I haven’t grown garlic in a long time. It’s harvest time for me.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
Val and Curly said “come on in and relax it’s Sunday “. Thanks Curly, you could be a bit more modest in your relaxing.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
It looks like I am going to have to come up with a plan to try and slide the 421 as an early morning check confirmed there is vine pressure going on. This will be a chore as I only have one piece of mil fabric under it. Come on Val get in there for a pic. It surely is the biggest pumpkin I have ever had for this date. Albeit the earliest pollination as well. Let’s see if she can make it to the finish line.


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