Friday, March 29
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One hole done 3 to go and soil structure the subsoil goes from gravel to sand . Maybe good if I have a dry year also added longer straps for remove of heating cables and added a little organic fertilizer down deep !
Saturday, March 30
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Test plants look good after adding a little Iorn Tone to my mix maybe a little to much leafs tend to get a little bloated and then the light tends to make bad spots on the leafs ?
Sunday, March 31
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Planted some Nasturtium flowers to be plant down my main to keep the aphids away ? , also added bubbler to my water jug and mounted the compressor on my rack for vibration stimulate the fungue in my pots ? pots have lots of air holes and plants are on a rack this year for more air ! Working great !
Monday, April 1
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Test plant for experimenting started 2/29 trying to divide main into multiple, also trying to root in first node in water and fertilizer with a bubbler. Had to cover water jug with black bag to it make dark 62 @ night & 72 day temps
Wednesday, April 3
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Purchased some black gold to test out for the first time before the 10 th starting day depending on the weather
Friday, April 5
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Using Iorn Tome again this year , I was impressed from the results last year but needs to be applied earlier to marinate
Tuesday, April 30
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Got two plants in the ground and in there warm huts on 4/28/24 the 1260 wolf and 1803 Hazeltine using a heat light for heat and a fan with a Wi-Fi controller added two vents to the huts this year , still adding amendments almost done saved all the bio for last always two weeks late ! Need to step up my program to even come close to Steve Connolly
Wednesday, May 8
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Got some new product to use CX-1 and Boost and some 5:2 mix not sure on what I can get away with EC under 1 and PH @ 6.6 10 gallons well water 4 oz cx1,2 tsp boost , 1 tbs 5:2 added a sheet over a wire cage over plant with 60 watt pig tail bulb works great 55 Degree's at cold nights ( should be higher? )grow lights under the sheet turn on at 6 and warms it up may need to add fan under the cage so when the sun comes out and I’m late to the patch
Saturday, May 11
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1803 is my best plant its to big for its wire cage for covering up at night ! Need bigger ones with heavier wire and two new outdoor lights ,like Travis and bigger huts like Howard’s Dills also need good approach to hut compacting the ground too much ! Need more organic mater next year with natural wind break's
Sunday, May 12
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Used Kal-pak on 2 of 3 plants also folar sprayed 1:5 EC need to hang lights from the top , have added compost to each sit and should have added it to my holes . I have been using compost tea last two days , foliar also need to use more good plant food , temp outside around 50 tonight and no wind !!
Sunday, May 12
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Used Kal-pak on 2 of 3 plants also folar sprayed 1:5 EC need to hang lights from the top , have added compost to each sit and should have added it to my holes . I have been using compost tea last two days , foliar also need to use more good plant food , temp outside around 50 tonight and no wind !!
Monday, May 13
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Need to add vents that are wi-fi controlled so I don’t have to go out three times to open vents , co2 next year and humidity controllers so I’m going to need more outlets maybe a outdoor one , need bury mix soon and MUST block the wind , start now !
Tuesday, May 14
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Huts inside temps are at 60 degrees , heat lamp for heat and cooled down with small fan added two vents but need one vent up top . Hut gets up to 87 then the door must be open and now it’s almost to hot been using cold tap water to cool down also works better , foliar sprayed 2 or three times with compost tea and fish and seaweed from neptunes also had to use my guild sticks must get it laying down and rooted in ASAP
Thursday, May 16
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My 1260 wolf the main is getting very thick and sticking up at a 45 degrees angle . Daylight temps are getting too high for the huts have been opening all vents and door . Temps are in the 50 degrees at night and close to 80 today
Friday, May 17
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Got my new lights going to need a bigger hut next year , temps in the hut 87 degrees need to move them because my main is to big have been watering with vitamins and foliar spraying with Kal-Pak at night
Sunday, May 19
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Time to make bury mix lots of kelp meal And alfalfa meal , pinched of suckers of the crown and a little axos and root hormone and buryed the crown also , had to put the hut on blocks to cool it down from 87 degrees . Foliar spraying neptunes fish and seaweed under leaf’s at dusk getting bigger leafs ! Watering with cold tap water and some vitamins around 2 pm tends to cool things down plants like it too!
Tuesday, May 21
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I have pumpkins on two plants about 5 ft out need to be removed in a day or two going to knock out a wall in the hut for more room also watering around 2 ish with cold tap water and on top off leafs they seem to like too ! I’m thinking maybe the bottoms would like a rinse also ? I have been foliar spraying Neptunes to plants every night for them big leafs they got Versity foliar sprayed yesterday and 5:2 drench
Friday, May 24
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New product we got donated from midwestern BIO-AG seems to work good , it’s not burning plants and it’s high in boron ! Going to spread more today along with kelp meal ,alfalfa's,meal and a little sheaded straw tilled in , this would be the third time tilling also sowing more cover crop when done and wind breaks !! SOIL TEST Need to add according to my solutions they gave us !
Saturday, May 25
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Finishing my second heating cable it’s going down the main and loop back about 6” deep (1) spot plants need some help after picking one pumpkin off it’s trying to grow suckers vines of the crown having to keep giving nitrogen products . I think blood meal would work really good if I had some , still need wind breaks also back up plant 2198 is ready to lay down
Monday, May 27
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Wind breaks up but need more , cold and rainy may plug my cables back in I also feed them some jacks plant food and gel and buried vins with some seed coating that I got from Travis to see how it works , foliar sprayed Neptune fish and seaweed the patch has been tilled for the third time and seeded down with rye added shredded straw around the plants to help with the ground sealing , need to spray for bugs ! ASAP using baggies to hold down my main no coat hangers this year
Tuesday, May 28
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May have made to big of a hill , cold out 50 degrees at night ,I turn the heating cables back on and leave on it should be in the 80 degrees in a few days HOT , should get ready foe sprinklers ASAP
Thursday, May 30
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My 1803 Hazeltine ,Need to lower my light tomorrow it’s to far away , getting lots of shoots now, used epsom salt in the hose sprayer and watered down also foliar sprayed with Dunes , cold nights in the Low 40. North wind is bad too
Monday, June 3
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Need to keep stuff off my nodes I burn new growth ! Need incorporate it the soil more and not right on top of the nodes ! We got some Boost bio fertilizer today did a drench and sprayed a little More neem oil ( cold press ) 4 oz ,tonight still seeing some bugs around my plant
Thursday, June 6
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Lights are back on tips of main lots of clouds need about 10 more secondary’s , hopefully I get a pumpkin set by the 15 th starting to change up the fertilizer to more (P ), checking for bugs every day and seeing some ants and flea beetle's on the ground may have been from the compost but need to get ready for vine bores , so far no cucumber beetles BUT we have a few male flowers opening and my flowers have started to blossom also there so post to keep the aphids away ! Will see !
Saturday, June 8
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1260 wolf taking a beating from the winds need to fix the problem A.S.A.P light works good need to put in the ground like Travis does next year they put off a lot of heat also one big one over the crown too !
Thursday, June 20
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1803 pollinated today 1260 was on the 18 th with 4 lobes got my tissue test back today from Midwest Bio Ag need to make some adjustments to my feeding program !
Saturday, June 29
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1260 wolf is keeping me very busy burying vines and setting second and third pumpkin now starting to bury vines close to the fruits . I’m getting slow growth from lack of P and there is a little too much nitro in the Terra Nu !!! It should have been put on before soil test and also the Corn Spike save some for next year also need to start using the jelly ! And save some for next year !
Wednesday, July 10
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Got lots of rain from the hurricane ! Got the boards under the pumpkins just in time . The 1803 is my best plant secondary’s are as big as the main , sprayed Dacanal after the rain tonight also need to inspect my main and install drip pipe over main . I should work on next year too maybe just a 150;sq thinking about down sizing getting bad backs pain in the morning !!!
Thursday, July 11
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Foliar sprayed liguid life plus to see what it does ? pumpkins got there first bath need to use wash cloths with out seams and keep nails trimmed need to get big fans on the blossom end and small one on the stem , plants look good but have a few white dots on the leafs maybe I should be adding sulfates to my patch for the salts need to read more I’m going to spray versity tomorrow to add good bacteria back on my plant after using Dacanal the night before , need to add micro nutrients in cheated form
Saturday, July 13
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1803 is 30 days old and it’s around 350 lbs and the 1260 wolf is about 450 @32 days old . I gave them a good dose of Cal-Mag today
Thursday, July 18
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Today is DAP 30 for the 1260 Wolf I don’t have a name yet But it’s kicking ass ! I don’t really like the plant compared to the 1806 I dead headed about 8 vines in the back to get more growth up front by the fruit . Have been watering 3 times a day .nights are a little cool so I have been remove all leafs on the ground to prevent powdery mildew and removing all a extra vines that I miss and I have lots of secondaries vines to burying still
Monday, July 29
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1803 has a foaming stump but it’s gaining 20lbs a day at 550 lbs good cross it may need to be removed and a cover crop planted for 2025 BUT the 1260 WOLF is about 850 lbs and it’s gaining 40 lbs a day for 9 days
Sunday, August 4
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I like turning over the main so the leaf is on top and I must leave the secondary that’s attached to the fruit (SLACK ) and don’t dead head the main because your going to need the new growth late season. I removed 6 vine bores from the 1260 wolf and have powdery mildew from running the sprinklers on the crown I also sprayed fungicide two days ago should have been two weeks!!! The 1260 wolf est weight @ 1078 lbs and 32.6lbs per day was 40 and as high as 49 for the first eight weight checks they where 3 days apart
Wednesday, August 7
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That Time of the year , 1260 wolf is now 1161 and 28 lbs per day , just got a inch of rain plants look good after spraying bug
and fungus spray ,I used the fogger worked good
Saturday, August 10
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1260 wolf is now 1252 and it’s gaining 30.3 per day found another vine bore too ! Need to drench in the morning for any more that I don’t see
Sunday, August 18
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Need all bottom tap roots to look like this one ?
Monday, August 19
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1260 wolf is now 1459 my PB 22 per day sprayed sulfur for the powdery mildew see how good it works ? 4 tbs per gallon Will see need to bury more vines for more roots . I see more roots from the Brown algae product from Bare Grounds solutions
Sunday, August 25
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Need all tap roots to look like this one . Sprayed the good bug spray found some eggs under some of the old leafs also pumpkin is 1559 @ 13 per day
Sunday, September 1
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Tap roots on the 1803 were great ! The 1260 wolf is now 1660 @ 13 per day over 4 days started using the big tote to water 175 per day of 5:2 mix and molasses foliar sprayed magnesium sulfate also today
Sunday, September 8
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My 1260 wolf is 1739 @ 11 per day BUT it’s getting warm eighty’s this week hoping to get back to 15 a day going to water every day @ 3 times 150 gallons also use copper fungicide seems to work the best, No foliar spraying to much fungus need to do a better job starting in august , I should get some spray from the farmers that they use
Sunday, September 22
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Pumpkin tapes 443 “ #1828 @ 8 lbs per day added some nitrogen/calium 11-00-00 worked good new growth to fill in the dead spots (old leafs like the 150 sq need to keep new growth rooted in good ! Bury all NEW nodes also I sprayed for aphids with 2 tsps Malathion under all leafs worked . Need a systematic next year !
Saturday, September 28
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Crown roots look good need to work on double roots on secondary’s and main the zip lock bags didn’t work very good as I thought next my final weight from my 1260 wolf was 1915 that is my PB 12 per day 7 days from last check pick more weight from being in the ground a couple of inches I think it was about 8 per day also planted a few seeds to check germination on my 855 seeds
Thursday, November 14
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Patch has all the vines and leafs removed ,broad fork ,added potassium chloride and winter wheat , rye, also three loads of soybean straw
Thursday, November 14
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Patch has all the vines and leafs removed ,broad fork ,added potassium chloride and winter wheat , rye, also three loads of soybean straw